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17-85mm @ 85mm f5.6 1/125 ISO 200 manual exposure manual focus RAW capture

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Howdy! For me, in this particular photo, the branch takes me straight out the back of the photo. I would like to see it cropped about the same amount to the right as the left of the bud. Also, crop at the top where it branches out. This would make the bud the center of the interest, but not in the center of the photo, while still leaving the impression the buds have room to grow. Thats my take. Thanks for letting me comment, Mick
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I'll comment on your shot based on the standards that you have set in the rest of your portfolio, which is very good! Compositionally, the shot is fine. You have followed the rule of thirds, your main subject is in focus while the background is out of focus. What's missing is impact. What are you trying to tell the viewer? Are you drawing their attention to the buds, or is it perhaps the pattern that the twigs create? As someone that has no idea as to what you are trying to show me, my eye wonders around the photograph, especially between the buds and the bright spot in the background in the centre of the frame. It's good to see that you have used a very shallow DOF here. The light falling on the buds and the twig in the foreground is great, seperating them nicely from the dark parts of the background. I agree with Mick: a good crop will take the shot to the next level.
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I appreciate both comments. I really like getting concrete suggestions that improve my photography. I'd love to get comments like this on every one of my photos.



Everything in the frame must contribute to the picture.

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