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Abstract Workout

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This was back at school a couple years ago. It's a military

school...we sometimes do odd things. I'm curious how you feel about

the color balance. This is what things looked like under the lighting

in our barracks, so I didn't know what to do with it. Thanks for

looking, and hopefully commenting!

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this one is great! i like it cos it makes me wonder what is going on without reading what you wrote. but it makes me want to know. so is the colour in this as true is in real? cos i find it a bit muddy looking making it hard to see the blurring of movement.. and as there is a lot of movement, it is hard to see what is in focus. what if u recropped or did a close up?

anyway an intersting photo.




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To me it's a superb shot. Looks like totally out of the world, but it has just captured the motion and the standstill together in one shot; that makes it really unique. I am not sure what you meant by color balance; but I like the colors, specially in this composition.


overall, great job!!! greetings. Arnab

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Sue and Arnab, thank you both for taking the time to leave your thoughts and suggestions for me! I find it odd that the picture which gets some of the best comments so far is the one taken with the crumbiest camera. I would try to crop tighter, but there isn't enough detail and it would get too grainy to make it much larger. I'll see if I have any different shots taken closer up. As for the color, this is how things looked for real. The lighting was really odd, and would photograph with more of a yellow/orange tint than this photo. It's just a weird environment. Thanks again for your comments.
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