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© Copyright 2006 Howard J. Dion

Taking a Break II



© Copyright 2006 Howard J. Dion

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I don't know how you do it, Howard - I just don't have the guts to ask strangers for their photo! Interesting how the halves of her face don't match at all.
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I was recently reading a friend's copy of "Popular Photography" about how to approach strangers to photograph them. I didn't yet finish the article, but instantly thought of you. I just don't know that I could do it. But I want to start to try. Maybe this summer when I have lots of time, I can go into DC and take my chances with the tourists down there. :-)


Oh, yeah ... and about THIS image ... :-D I love her curls (you have another wonderful curly-hair image!) But I also like the background. The items in the shop window almost define who she is by where she shops. :-)



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Guest Guest


Fine portrait. Lou Ann's right about the bg here -- it adds much context, letting us see what she's taking a break from, who she is, what her tastes are. Great detail n her clothes and hair, and that expression is indeed interestingly weird. I really like the framing here, too -- she's well placed in the frame, and including more of her legs would be unnecessary, but any less and the portrait wouldn't be "complete." I might be tempted to touch up her right eye just a bit. Somehow the reflection in that eye has made it look a bit odd.
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Very nice portrait again Howard, Yes, you can learn a lot looking at her, and also that she had some medical problem with her face...( It looks like it to my medical experience...)and thats why her two part are a bit different....

But other than that it is well composed with more details in the BG.She looks very much enfolded in her inner world.

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Howard- wonderful image, tells a story. Like Chris, I would be tempted to dodge the right-sided eye a little, not much, just a little, to get rid of the shadow.

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Nice candit and works great in b&w. Compositionally it's critical for you to keep her off center as is (or perhaps even crop off a bit more on the right.) I like how the poodle appear to be perching on her shoulder! ^_^
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Yes, I noticed the poodle immediately too! Nice shot indeed Howard and the lady's charming personality shines through despite her unfortunate predicament. I do photograph people in the street also, but most often without their knowledge. As long as the picture is not compromising and it is taken in a public place, I have no guilty feelings about it. Actually, in France at any rate, the law as I understand it is that you are free to photograph what and who you want, what is not allowed is to publish it without permission. Forgive me for being longwinded but I find it an interesting subject. I'm off now to takesome pictures of the student manifestations. I hope that I don't get my head bashed in.
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