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Colors of the Wind


Circular Polarizer.

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Hi Jay! This one is to die for, the cloud formation that is lit in evening light is just so beautiful combined with the wonderful foreground, composition is well balanced.. 7/7, what kind of GND filter do you use Jay?, regards, Rajeev.
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Very nice shot - the sky offers alomst a liquid fluidity, while the cracked earth and stone offer a solid anchor - awesome contrasts.


I'm curious - what's the largest "great" (to your personal satisfaction) print you've made out of some of your landscapes? If I could take one like this, I'd shoot for 20x30, but have yet to try a print that large.


I've always wanted to visit this location, too...have any of the geologists finally settled on how the tracks are made?

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My personal favorite size out of a 8MP camera is 16x24. But, I do offer prints upto 20x30. This is absolutely the largest size I print with an 8MP camera. All the prints are interpolated and printed at no less then 240 DPI.


No one yet knows why the rocks move or have seen the rocks move. Prevaling theory is that the wind pushes the rocks...but it is just a theory. It is a facinating place...I would highly recommend a visit.


Thanks for the comments on the photograph.

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Thanks Jay - I've been hoping to look up some interpolation scripts, and maybe at software for larger prints...but of course, first I have to actually take some landscapes that are worthy of being printed larger than 4x6! ;)


Cool, re the explanation. I remember reading about 5 articles on the "raceway," and none agreed with the other on how the trails are made. Just goes to show ya - we've got a lot of stuff to learn, still.

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I am amazed at the sharpness in this one. I have seen LOTS of professional photos of Racetrack over the years. To me, personally, yours is as good if not better than most. Its so rewarding when the weather cooperates isn't it Jay.
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Jay, your shots from Death Valley are really amazing. Very interesting that you found one of those mysterious moving rocks. It's track cuts so perfectly in the dry sand. Lovely lighting and a superb sky are your trademarks and beautifully executed in this shot. Did you use any bracketing for this image? I'm asking because the foreground is so nicely exposed while the mountains tell me it's later in the day. Congrats! Kim
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Heather: Yep, it is beautiful when the weather cooperates. The circumstances of getting a perfect shot in a place like this are rare, but when it happens, it is worth the wait.


Kim: No bracketing was used for this photograph...just a 0.6 Soft ND Grad filter.

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Actually this mystery was solved many years ago Jay - but it's kept a secret to keep the photography tourist dollars coming .... )-;


Excellent shot - why would you *not* bracket a shot like this ?

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In digital world, I can look at the histogram and know how a shot is going to come out. So, if I dont need to combine mulitple exposure together, I only need to take one shot...and no need to bracket.
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Great answer on the bracketing. I too have learned the best I can SO FAR, about the histogram. Mainly, because even with a neoprene neckstrap, I can't hold my camera far enough away anymore with my aging eyes :( to see the review photo.

BUT, the histogram is a sure thing.


Does your new camera have the 2.5 review screen.

Its my 1.8" that mostly has me wanting to can mine.


I am PATIENTLY waiting to see your HAVASU shots!


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WoW! Thanks for that answer about bracketing. The histogram is something I had yet discovered a use for. So many bells and whistles on this darn camera. Not complaining about the technology just my ability to grasp it. It's time to get the manual out again.


To Ken : Still another thing I learned on PN today. Thanks for answering the other question!

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