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Amy:The 3 photos that you shows in photo.net are good, but i think you should improve them if the light was more contrastly, with some parts of the body lights and others more dark.

Antoni Sans

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I would have liked to see your feet in the shot. Not always easy to line up self-portraits, though, I know.
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Amy... in addition to the feet and hands issue, which are really important to any subtext of this image, less fill light would add some mystery. This type of lighting would be good for some sort of instructional manual, like Yoga in the Shower for Busy Women. In fact, she looks like she's doing the Breath of Fire. Perhaps printing the whole image darker, so the highlight on her shoulder dominats the tonal scale, might make the image alot more engaging... t
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If her feet and hands were included, she would have looked like she was trying to push her way out of the picture frame. It doesn't look like that's what the photographer wanted.
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In regard to the comment "hands and feet": BALONEY! This is not a photo for which the convention fits. Well done Ms Powers.
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This and the pool shot done with self timer are my favorites in all your folder.

The ruffled up hair in this realy gets me.It would have been nice to see some toes,but I guess that's just my thing.well done.

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In response to the sarcasm "what is baloney?", it is the informal corruption of "balogna" and can be found in modern dictionaries. If you are not being sarcastic, and would like to know, it is a euphemism for "bulls--t".
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Hi Amy. I feel the only thing lacking in your self portraits is a photographer, Its hard to work out where you are in the frame, if your not there. Try to engage with the camera, the missing link in so many of the photos on this site, If you dont want people to know what you look like , I dont see why your taking these photos or come to that showing them.
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Maybe I'm easy to please, but I think the way she used her hair in this is great. I dont care about sucking in the stomach, you can see that as intentional as far as the message of the photo or not. The overall pose is very good as well, I especially like the combination between leaning and pushing on the wall.
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because you can't be your own. you have a great body and i think a lot of talent- but did you really mean to cut off your hands and feet? I don't think you would have done that if you were looking thru the viewfinder at someone else. it was an accident you made running over to pose before the timer went off.


anyway- i can't blame you. i model for myself and i don't look half as good:)

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Amy, Nice work. As a variation how about a little water on the model to add some shine and depth? I have to admit that I would have like to seen the hands and feet in the shot too, but I do like it the way it is. There is a lot of emotion in the photo that draws you in - - you can almost feel the cold tiles. Keep up the great work.
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I like the hair and your sense of mystery by not showing your face. It leaves a little to the imagination.As far as the hands and feet I get the idea without seeing them completely.I feel you captured what you wanted or your photo wouldn't be on display. Great photo.

Carl Testa

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I definitely think you have an interesting and pleasing figure and you are doing the right thing by putting them on display. I think that the whole reason for you composing the collection is the fact that they are all self portraits and the fact that you make that known is all the more justifying. Perhaps the fact that each photo's composition is not entirely "perfect", adds to the beauty of the pictures. This makes them different and thus all the more interesting.


Additionally, I agree with Carl Testa in that if you were not happy about having cut some hands and feet out, then you would have placed it in the collection. You could have easily re-shot it, had you wanted to. Thank you for sharing your amazing and very real figure.


Can I also say that this and your waternude picture are my favourite in your folder.

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this is pure beauty, the image is very graphically powerful, i love the lines in it. the lack of hands and feet adds to the originality of the image - makes it interesting. good work. :)
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Lovely Amy!!!! Question, since you were there and we were not, it seems to me to include the hands or feet would have added the wall and the floor which would take away from the photograph. 9/9
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