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© ©2001 Lucas Griego - All Rights Reserved

**************** Un Nai?*************** This is the translation of Thai for "Which one?" It was shot B/W and then coverted to a tritone in Pshop. But other than that basically left as I shot it. I'd


I'm lame...I never remember to track this stuff..sorry.


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This is the translation of Thai for "Which one?" It was shot B/W

and then coverted to a tritone in Pshop. But other than that

basically left as I shot it. I'd be happy if anyone shooting lots of B/

W could let me know what they think of it... and what I could do to

improve it... Should I have more tones? Should there be detail in

her shirt? What kind of filter would you shoot it with? Thanks in

advance for any tips! cheers, Luc

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Sorry i don't have any tips for re-shooting this one, i like it the way it is. what makes this picture is the female curve presented in a semi-mysterious way and the toning in my opinion is a good choice though it might also work nicely if you contrast it up a bit and leave to be in b&w.

just my humble opinion. In any case, lovely shot.

p.s. I also posted a response on your comment on my environmental sleeping angel in case you're interested. I appreciate your comment on it. Cheers, L.

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Lucas I did not like this shot when I saw it as a thumb nail. However when viewed larger it has great a feel to it. I like the fact that she (I assume) is almost silhouette. 2 small comments I would like make is 1. her thumb on the left is just outside the frame 2. the background is a little cluttered.

These 2 small comments just take the edge off for me. Some of your other work is of such high standard that I am surprised you did not pick up on this.


However very nice pose and I would love you to take it again maybe in a studio type setup with one of your model friends.


Here is what I mean.

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i like the background...to me,it adds rather than detracts..i didn't notice the cut off thumb,but since it was called to our attention,it does distract a bit....the "flaw"that came to my mind was that the pose appears slightly tilted..and i don't know why that bothers me,but it does
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Hi, it's me, Cristóbal, from Chile. You know? i do shot a lot in b/w, i'm not ansel adams, but... when i saw this picture in the thumbnail i clicked on it because i didn't know what was it (i always look photos very quick). when i saw it big i didn't know if it was her front or back. only when i see the hands i knew it was front! may be it's me, but i think we (viewers) should see something -in her clothes, maybe, buttons, i don't know- that makes obvious that it's her front...

the background is very fine to me. it creates the mood. --> the PS treatment (tritone) helps!


well, that's it!

also! great title!

very nice work!

[my written english is nasty! i hope you can understand this ! {:-) ]



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I suppose much depends on what you're going for. If you're going for the formal, hardedge image where the lines are clean and everything is spelled out - the kind of image that calls attention to what it's selling, rather than to itself - than this isn't it. But I assume from seeing the rest of your work and how well it's executed, that's not what you were going for here. I assume you were going for ambiguity and mystery - which one? front? or back? (in addition to "which flower"?). If so, you achieved it, in my view. (The thumb being cut doesn't bother me - I could take it or leave it). tone-wise, I think you have enough - it looks like a standard B&W that's been sepia-toned.
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Hi Lucas. Looking at this picture again it is still my favourite one..while the others might

be technically/commercially perfect, this is the one that has the most beautiful feel to it and

since i'm not here to buy a product, this image

is the one that appeals to me most out of all your work. (And thank you also for commenting on my pics.) - Cheers, L.

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