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Winter storm in Yosemite


Taken at f/18 in Nikon Raw.

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It was a nervous drive and I only drive 15 mph to get here but then

we don't have this everyday. Let me know what you think. Thanks.

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We did a snowshoeing trip to Dewey point from Badger Pass on the 19th since the driving was kind of bad. We went about 50 feet sideway downhill road in Wanona area. The driving was better on main road to Badger Pass, however. I'm thinking of 4x4 or AWD car now. Monday finally was a bluebird day . Thanks for the comments everyone.
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That one should look great as a large print Drew! It's a bit too large for my display but I found that reducing it to fit the screen doesn't work so well. It's one of those subjects that demand to be seen large I guess.


I'll take a slow drive in bad weather any time if I have any chance to shoot a place like that with such a sky!



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Oh it's worth it Andre. I think Yosemite looks more beautiful in bad stormy weather. Also, black and white is preferred captures here since it's mostly granite rocks.
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This is lovely. These moody, stormy shots are among the most interesting types of landscapes. I particularly like how there's a patch on the cliff face toward the bottom in which the light is quite different, much brighter.
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Thx Chris. Lot of people like the drama of the severe weather as well since they were all there, wet and cold, waiting for the light.
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Some af the best photography is done in bad weather. In your case it was worth the drive. This is wonderful!
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I love this! I'm ready for spring, and sick of snow, but this image is wonderful!
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Everything seemed to have come together well here - the lighting, the detail, the composition. The clouds on the mountain really adds the the awe of this structure. Good job with this.

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Very beautiful capture. I've never been there before, but I'll believe you that this is a rare occurence to capture. Thanks for taking this 'risky' shot! Cheers from Canada, Iren
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Beautiful take on a familiar subject. I've often had strong urges to go here after a snow storm. 4x4 may help or may not; I've had to put on chains on my 4x4 Pathfinder three times at Yosemite already. Last time I tried to lie my way out of it but to no avail.
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Kim, I hope Drew doesn't mind this short story. After about 35 minutes of driving I asked my wife if the chains are in the back, only to hear the dreaded answer. Snow was coming down pretty hard as we arrived at the entrance. The ranger asked if I had chains and I answered "Yes", hoping with 4x4 I can get away with it. She told me to park "over there" and put them on. Busted, I went to look for the chain installers; after a long wait, I was informed that they ran out of my size (always the case when you go shopping!). Disappointed, I got in the car and drove back to the nearest gas station; they had one pair left on the shelves that fit my tires, the cheap type that should not cost more than $20 but about $60 instead. Tell you what, now there's no confusion about putting the chains on the front or back tires because I have enough for all tires!
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At least you know where your priorities are: getting to the site no matter what! Thanks for sharing that! My most exciting story with chains was driving backwards over Rabbit Ears Pass in Colorado in my 1962 station wagon because it was so slick (and the car was so long) that going forward only made the front end slide into the bank. So I drove over it backwards, with the door open so I could see out. I passed all the people who were stuck in their newer vehicles, and made it down the other side. That was years ago, but I still have fond memories of it (and the car :) And thanks Drew, for letting us visit on your lovely image.
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Thai and Kim, interesting and humorous stories you guys have. Most people just see the images without knowing the inside stories. Driving backward over a mountain road pass..on a long station wagon...that sounds like James Dean, Rebel without a cause to me ...;-) thanks for the stories guys.
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Let's hope there are more fun stories in our futures...I'm tired of staying home!
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