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© ©2001 Lucas Griego - All Rights Reserved

Fashion shot which became Johns Comp Card Shot


Elinchrom Style 600ws head used with softbox


© ©2001 Lucas Griego - All Rights Reserved

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I shot this a while back and ended up liking this one the best out

of about 20 other images from this shoot.


The composition is quite strong and works graphically.

The models pose is slightly sensual and inviting - remeniscent

of classic sculptures like Michaelangelo or Rodin.

The lighting and the styling is subtle but not without attitude.


That's what my pitch to the client was anyhow.

But basically it's what I think more or less.


It has been retouched for minor blemishes and slight exposure

correction. The cropping after the fact was minimal and done

primarily 'in-camera' during the shoot.


Please let me know what you like or don't about the image.

Do you find it has any of the qualities that I thought it did?


Thanks for taking the time to critique!




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I like the cropping and the colors and think it is a very successful image considering the "limitations" of the man's fashion photography. Blago
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I think this is a good shot. Its edgy and the background and lighting were done well. Im interested in how you got such good definition of his muscles with only a softbox. Where was it placed, how big was it, and how close was it to your subject? If you dont mind sharing secrets...


Or was this guy just cut to shreds?!


The framing is interesting... The resulting look is very up-to-date. What were your reasons for framing it this way?


Colours are great and I like the pose. Good to see you avoided the temptation of telling him to put his hand on his pecs, which would have diluted the message. He reminds me of a Brazilian buddy who was born with abs like this and now makes a passable living out of winning small bodybuilding competitions. (A regular diet of deca didnt do any harm!) Yeah, this is a good photograph.

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Hi Lucas!


I think that the color of his skin goes very well with the background color.


Also his well defined abdominals aren't the main subject, they play a good/important secondary role on the general composition.


Don't know too much about fashion shots, but it's just what I thought when I saw it at first.

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this guy looks like he was photographed separately from his jacket, almost like the jacket was added digitally, or the light was coming from the lining of the coat. The lapels cast no shadow, I guess because the light box is low, at his feet sort of. Under his elbow is lit, but his shoulder is completely black. Nice job, but I don't think Rodin's sculpture is usually lit this way. Smiley face goes here... t
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Nestor - Yeah the background color was a bit of a surprise to me when I got the tranny's at the lab. But I ended up liking it as well!


Samuel - The softbox (44"? Redwing) I used was on the floor or pretty close. As well the model is very ripped. One thing that helped in gettiing defiition in his already defined abs was he has been rubbed down with baby oil. As for framing - I just kind of try to shoot how I'd like to see the image on the page. I dunno if this is the way your supposed to shoot - there have been times when I've been sorry by not shooting wider and letting the AD crop it himself.. but I was happy with the result here anyhow.


Tom -

I shot the whole thing at once. The only digital was the scan and slight blemish retouch on the face and chest.

I did have trouble getting detail in the cloth on his jacket. I screwed around forever and then finally just gave up an shot it. I figured I'd go for mood anyhow. But still not sure how I would have gotten him exposed properly and detail in jacket as well - all while retaining the mood.

Hmm? I will post more shots from this series as I get them scanned.


Thanks for the comments so far! ;-)


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I don't think the jacket needs to be any better lit, it was just an analytical observation as I tried to figure out your approach. As with all good fashion photography, this one is about the sizzle, not the steak... t
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Yes, this one has a promising commercial uses. It looks attractive and sexy, thanks to the model, the baby oil, and the lighting. Positing was natural but I prefer to see more skin than a boring jacket--I know it's the clothing you're trying to sell but face it there's not a whole lot of features to look at in this jacket. I am in marketing and also in the fashion industry. It's the image and the attitude that counts... **that why Guess model always have beautiful "8" figure and a paire of --beep!-- the size of Texas!!**. As a photograph, there's nothing to improve on. As a commercial piece, more skin space would do the job..hmm.. may be replace the jacket with a black skilk shirt..or soaking-wet white muslin shirt.
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