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I want to emphasize that this is NOT posed! If you're interested, I can explain further...

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Great capture of a very sad event. I like the composition and the way that you have captured the man and the fire. He seems to be a spectator and your raise a good question.


Well done.

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One of the reasons I shoot so many First Responder Images is because I have a reputation of

being at the right place at the right time. This is an example of that. I was vacationing with

my wife in Breckenridge, Colorado when a house exploded! Of course, I was right there. I

always carry my camera. The good news is that no one was in the home and this fellow was

not the owner. But who was he?

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Paul, I'm not sure if you watch LOST, but when I first glanced at this photo I thought of the first episode of LOST. Great capture.
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That's a wonderful compliment, Will, thank you. For whatever reason, I have not watched a single episode of that show and I know for a fact I would really like it and get into it. Hmm, maybe that's the reason. Once again, thanks!
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Hi paul, good capture. when I looked at this photo I was attracted more towards the flame. Look at the interesting shapes it forms. The main attraction of this flame is the dance of the flame. Wonderfully done.




-John Padmarajan.


ps: liked the commentary as well :)

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Thanks, John: It's funny that you say that about flames. I could just shoot flames as I am amazed that no two are alike. Each and every single shot would be unique. Of course, I have just shots of these flames but I thought that it was so odd in that this man in a suit was standing there observing this house that had just exploded. I don't know if people realize that this is in the snow. Once again, thanks for the comment.
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You asked: "But who was he?". Well, I think I know who it WASN'T - the insurance adjuster. :-)


Seriously, I was thinking passer-by, but the suit sort of makes me think that he doesn't fit - he should be somewhere else, at the office, at court, at a funeral?


I suspect that the fire has been going for some time, if that is a fireman's hose lying in front of him in the snow.


Bottom line, very interesting and well done, the type of shot I would be proud to have in my portfolio one day. Regards. JH


PS: Pssst, did you ask him who he was...? ;-)

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Thanks for the additional info - I guess a picture is really worth a thousand words. What is a "First Responder Images Identification card"? I want to investigate the possibility of abtoining something similar in my country. Cheers - JH -
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It's nothing more than my business cards and a collection of work that I normally carry to explain to law enforcement and such why I'm taking pictures. It is not a media or press pass which are always good to have if you can obtain them from a publisher, newspaper, TV News, etc. I have my own production company so I can register with local law enforcement, register and obtain media identification. I think it also puts the first responders at ease because they now know who you are. Often time, in this situations, the suspect comes back to view his/her work. Arsonists for example, etc. Google local law enforcement and see what they have listed for media relations. Good luck.
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Thanks again Paul. I'll investigate the possibilities in our local community for doing something similar. Hopefully one day I'll be able to post something as dramatic as this. I'll let you know if it happens ;-) Cheers. - JH -
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Absolutly amazing. I almost want to say you got luckyh haha. No but seriously this amazing work. conitnue shooting:)
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Hi Randy: Thanks for the comment. Actually, a lot of photography is luck in terms of many aspects of the craft. Hopefully, when "luck" presents itself, we'll be able to take advantage of it with talent. As far as me showing up at these types of things, my friends call me a disaster magnet. I do have the ability to be at the right place at the right time (wrong place, wrong time?). If you visit my First Responder images, you'll see what I mean. I was on vacation in Breckenridge, Colorado, when this house exploded. I just happened to be a few blocks away. My camera is usually with me. As I was looking in the viewfinder, this man stepped into the shot. Mind you it was 15 degrees and everyone was bundled up. I took the shot and then the fireman asked us to step back. I looked up and he was gone. I don't know who he his or why he's there. My friends say he's the Angel of Death. Yikes! By the way, no one was in the house. Once more, thanks for the comment and remember to take your camera everywhere.
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... fantastic shot ! You are right about always taking a camera. I had similar scene once, and didn;t have camera with me. All the best, mirna
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a masterpiece without a doubt. havent commented on this yet, because its sheer presence doesnt need any comments. i wonder if i had put it in the exhibition though, because the other images mainly live off an enigmatic and subtle presence, while this is in your face.
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Appreciate that comment, Florian. I did have two curators who put the show together and they more or less selected all the pieces. This one, which is one of my favorites, ended up in. I had to walk away and let them make the final decisions as I am far too close to all the images. I could never have made up my mind. But I agree, this one was sort of out of place but it did get a great response. Ironically, everyone thinks it's a self portrait. It resembles me but it is not me.
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Just stumbled across this (as you do) & have to agree with Florian- a masterpiece!


Who is he? To me, he's Guy Montag... The Men In Black... Conspiracy theories abound.


Better go put my socks back on. Thanks for sharing your amazing vision, Paul (-:



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Pete: Thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated. I think I've mentioned the story above but it's worth mentioning again: I have no clue who he is. He disappeared as fast as he appeared. I was simply looking through my viewfinder to take the shot when he stepped in. I was amazed. I snapped the photo. Next thing I know, a fireman is tapping me on the shoulder telling me we all have to get back and I look up and he's gone. My friend says he's the "Angel of Death." Creepy! Fortunately, no one was home when the house exploded.
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