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Dog's Life


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You seem to have a skill for catching this type of shot. I can't help but wonder if they are not set up sometimes. Forgetting all that.... this is a fine amusing image. It made me smile.
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adorable, great patience, i assume you are shooting to a spot and seeing what walks into it. this works nicely, as if it is a dog waiting for someone to retur, ignored by the passerbys. consider lightening the darker parts of the dog's coat a little bit.
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i don't care if this is set up or not, it definitly makes me smile. i love the texture of the waves on the floor. great job.


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David, I'm happy to know this made you smile. Regarding your doubt about being set up shots, I have to say that none of my photos are set up in that meaning. They just come out of the unexpected and that's the greatest fun for me. Anyway, just for the record, I have nothing against PS manipulation and I do use it often as you may see in other photos in my folders. Here is another shot taken from the same place.

Ben, that's right, I was shooting that spot for a couple of minutes, while waiting for my girlfriend to finally get out from a clothes shop nearby (this was inside a shopping center)... I was taking some photos from up there when this dog entered and just kept standing there; a sitting duck for my zoom lens =) You may see a broader view of the same spot here.

Danene, I too was attracted by the waves on the floor, thanks for commenting.

Kalaga, yes it is the same location and taken at the same time, see above.

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Perfectly found and shot. Love the waves on the ground...the juxtaposition of "subjects". The square format works very well with the diagonal of the waves. Not sure if it was planned this way or not, but I also think you did well to blur the woman's movement a little. Would've had much less impact if they were both perfectly sharp. Great work!
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Poor doggy... These women do nothing else than shopping, shopping, shopping... And nobody shops for this cute creature... I hope you don't mind my jokes, but today I am in a hilarious state of mind. (I do shopping too, when necessary, so don't take it as an irony about your beautiful girlfriend. Still friends? S.)
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Pulok, thank you for viewing.


Jeff, the format is the usual 4:3, not square; perhaps it makes that illusion. The woman's blurriness was not exactly planned, but more due to the weak light there. This was taken with a 1/30s speed. Thanks for commenting.


Sabina, not personally taken, in fact I perfectly agree with you. My girlfriend also reads the comments here, but I think you'll be forgiven =D


Dexter, yes the title came to my mind even when I was taking the photo.

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Good graphics, an interesting place and angle too... What'smissing ? Imho, a stronger story is missing. i'd like to be able to make more sense of what I see, to basically have a more meaningful opposition between person and dog. Just an exemple, but this may not have been possible, and theremight have been 100s of other possibilities, or perhaps none - I wouldn't know since I wasn't there.... What if shutter speed would be 1/15 s or 1/8 s (a bit more blury on her, but probably not blurry yet on the dog), with the dog seated and scratching his ear, or lying down on "sleep mode"...? Then I suppose I would get from the picture the following message: Dog's life is a lot more peaceful than human life - and that would move me more than the present picture, as it would probably make me smile or such.
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Marc, I could have waited for some better poses, but I didn't have much time there and I already consider myself lucky for the dog to have stayed put in there for about 1 minute. I still think that dogs' life is much more peaceful than humans, if not for many humans to complicate so much dogs life

(and not only)...


Scott, thank you!



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Excellent graphical shot. I like the opposition between the sharped dog looking in one direction and the lightly blurred girg going in the opposite direction. Well seen, well done.

Best regards, Fernand.

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