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Uau! Excelente trabalho com a geometria da envolvente. A multipla exposicao da pessoa a caminhar oferece dinamica a foto. Parabens por mais um excelente trabalho Alexandre.
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I love the geometry and flow of the lower portion -- great lines marching in unison. The top of the shot was a little busy for me and pulled my attention upward and away from the more interesting part of the photo.
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Fun Alex!...I think how you composed is correct...it all balances out and cropping the top loses 'the' something.
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And I agree with Peta. Without the upper portion the sense of scale, which is part of the charm, would be diminished. Wonderfully seen!
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What an intriguing image, I can make up my own "story" about what, who, when, where, why, that has been "Delivered". Such wonderful graphic icons, the lines and implied motion take my eyes on a journey through space and time.
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Thank you very much everyone for your nice comments. About cropping or not the upper part; I did consider that option before posting, but I felt that it would lose something, probably the balance that Peta mentioned. Also, the busy upper part represents for me the place where the person came from: coming from a busy and complicated path, he found his way to a simpler and more harmonious place. Just my personal interpretation!
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Wonderful image. I love the geometry of this, how it all flows. Even though its posed it doent matter i still enjoy it.
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Thank you Sarah, Loic, Tomasz, I appreciate you took the time to comment. Weston, thank you too, but what makes you believe that it's posed? This photo was in fact, done by overlapping in PS four different shots, which I took by mistake as I incidentally pressed the multiple shots button of my camera. The idea of overlaying them came only later. Anyway no posing here as this was taken to a busy entrance inside a shopping centre, as you can see in another photo that I'm uploading taken at the same time. I was lucky for my mistake with the button and to get this guy alone in the scene (moreover with stripes on his sweater!).

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Very nice lines. I side with Gian Luca about cropping at the top. If you removed just the letters at the very top, it would not change the balance of your shot, and it would eliminate a distraction.
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Ahh i see. I was just saying.. posed/a montage/etc.. it doesnt matter, its still a great image. You must be very good at PS. I still havent really figured out how to create montages that work/layers/mask. It looks like a straight up photo. Nice man. I guess what im tryin to say is.. how u made this via layers/posed/etc it doesnt matter. Its still a really kool image. Though i do think some take PS way overboard, for lack of an eye to see a shot. This is by far not one of those images or the case. You have a great eye~!!
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Alexandre, It was this shot that made me think your photos were set up. I was in doubt as to how you could be so 'lucky' to get this. I do not mean that to sound in anyway negative. It is just so unbelievably funny!
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