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Canon EOS 20D 24-85

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This is one of those simple, bright and happy shots that makes ya grin =0) I adore all the colour in the background as well.



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he looks like a frisky! The top of his head appears a little too bright, can't make out details there. Suggest blurring the background even more too. but you have really captured the dog's cuteness, its a picture that makes me smile.
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Yes Ben. The top is overexposed and I also notice now the way the ear merges into the white rose behind. I'll have a play with blurring but with all those stray hairs I fear it may take too much work for my limited technique to actually isolate the dog and improve the photo. A job for a rainy day I feel. Thanks for the input.
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Martin, I have a possible solution for you if you have photoshop. After years of paintstakingly trying to figure out how to manipulate the images I did, someone here taught me layer masking, which changed my hobby life. You can blur the background, adjust the brightness, in less than ten minutes with layer masks. I wrote what I do in the discussion of a photo, and posted a link on my community member page to it. Check it out. A little confusing at first, but once you get the hang of it, its easy. If you like it, just pass it on sometime.
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Ben. Thanks for the link. I follow what you're saying re masks but confess I don't understand how to select based on brightness as opposed to colour and then apply this as a mask. I assume this would then allow all the white hairs to be isolated from the background - but what about when the background is the same colour and tone as the foreground as is the case with the left ear and white rose. Understand this might take a longwinded reply. Maybe you could point me in the right direction of a previous post as I'm sure this must have been discussed in the past. Thanks again. Love your gallery by the way - something to aspire to that's for sure
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hi martin, glad you took a look. the rose-ear problem can be solved in a number of ways, but here's one. create a layer mask that masks everything but the rose; in other words the rose is the only thing that you reveal in a white brush in the right hand box, everything else stays black. then use levels to darken the rose until the ear is distinguished from it. then merge or flatten.
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