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© copyright by maurizio melozzi


maurizio melozzi


© copyright by maurizio melozzi

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This is really nice. The eyes look incredible, wish the shot here were larger. Also while I understand the placement of the copyright, it does detract, but I won't hold it against the over all quality. Very nice job here. f/64
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I don't know the copywrite gives it that advertising feel. I love your choice of reflector. you still have tha shadow detail from the sun on the foreground but have illuminated her to a very nice detail. This style used to be done allot then it vanished for a while. Works here real well Maurizio
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This is an amazing shot. I love every single part of it!


Would you care to share how you lit and filtered for this shot?


Thank you,



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This is a killer shot - great work. the lighing is perfect and origional in using the sun and a strong key to pull off this image. I must steal this!!
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excelent composition, lovely colors. I would improve a bit the position of her right hand, a bit bent, but even like this i think it is a pro level shot! Congrats!
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Che scatto!! Perfetta! La pi� bella tra i tuoi nuovi lavori. Complimenti ancora! Mi chiedo come hai fatto a realizzare questo scatto in controluce ed ottenere una perfetta illuminazione della modella. Sei veramente in gamba... sono invidiosoooooo!!!!!!!!!! Saluti Massimo
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Real great professional looking photo. Your fill-in flashlight works fantastic here. And the model.......She is TOP!


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A great picture, excellent composition,horizon is placed perfectly, perfect attitude from the model and a very good balance in the exposure. I guess some strobes were used to balance against the strong sun. I like the way the sun looks when using a small aperture/high f-number.. I wonder if you tried some pics with the model closer/in the water as well..allways tempting...:)


Would appreciate more info about equipment (lights) used..

Thanks for your view on my portfolio and your kind comments too!



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Hello, perfect light usage, great model..

Can you tell me what was the aperture value ? also i guess you used a gold reflector ? i'll be glad for your answers. Regards.

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The basic idea of the shot is good and the strobe balance against the sun is well done. The hair tassle shadows are quite fun, too. She has a good femine head tilt, not too dramatic.


What white balance did you use? It looks like flash because the sky has a dingy yellow tint. It makes the color on the skin look good but the surroundings look like LA. A daylight balance to bring back the color in the sky and a 1/4-1/3 CTO gel over the flash will bring back the warm feel.


Compositionally - the model's left arm against the hip doesn't quite look natural, as though she's in motion to do something else. The horizon cutting through the model's head is distracting. A slightly higher angle or getting back with a longer lens to prevent this is an idea to try.


Touchup - Also, the green-yellow flare in the model's hair is a bit distracting.

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Fabulous image! Love the balanced fill lighting.


Please share with me your metering method, camera & flash settings.


Thanks, in advance, for the information.



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i wished you had put the bigger version of this photo. when i see this kind of nice photos, i'm always doubtful about excessive photoshopping (like fake background). therefore, i cant rate your image although i wished i wanted to give 7/6.. ; )
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dear sirs, thanks for your comments about,

here is the photoshop only for the skin retouch, and for to have a warm color , (a balance color with yell and red),Usually I shoot in raw, so also I can balance the color temperature, I've used two flash bowens 1000w (full power), power enought to cover the front sun.

the flare on the hair show that the sun was behind the model, and nothing has been build. after the shoot with PS, was winter (january in Italy)with very low themper. , (was 8°) and in these condition and specially in Jan. the sun is early low at the horizon.

I haven't secret, the situation on location was so !!

for any your doubt or info don't hesitate to ask me.



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