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what's "shut" mean? :-) Very cool idea and very nicely done. I would've probably been tempted to compose without the tops of the boots but that's just me. The newspaper stuffing has its own interest to add as well. Nice work
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dunno about the "shut"- I find a "Justin's Boots & Chute", chute being what bull comes out of in the bullriding, etc. Anyway, I like the shot, like the colors. It works well as is, might or might not be better with more saturated colors. Woulda helped if the paper wasn't visible.
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Stephen... the paper, to me, gives it context. These boots were in a shop window in Melbourne.


Dusan, I did try saturating more, but it looked a bit too much. I think these are bright enough as is. Thank you for visiting!


Jeff...I would've included the complete toes as well, if they had been visible.


BTW, Since it is OZ, I should have titled this..."For you Jackaroos"...

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like they have angry little faces on them! I may have to take a shot of MY boots to keep them company, but mine are not such nice colors (even here in Austin!). I like the colors as is, a bit dusty and dusky...
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Nice shot!

I see the angry faces, that to me changed the whole picture! Can you answer me WHY there is always one person who rates pictures a 3/3...1 person! Anyway, keep scootin..I mean Shooting!

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cute idea, and lovely colors (nice flat light has kept the glare to a minimum too). my suggestion is to crop down to create a more abstracted view, say by going to below the leg openings.
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Its a teeny bit on the bright side and the colors are off a bit. What's not needed here is that saturation tool, but a bit of work with the eyedroppers in the PS gamma curve toolbox, once the colors are set, pull the curve down a bit and now the colors are nice and it looks a bit better...at least that's my viewpoint.

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Holy Jesus, Mother of God..... (LOL) John is actually taking up PS? Will wonders ever cease?


My 2 cents re:color. John may be right!

(Holy @#$%, I'm actually agreeing with him)!

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Geez Susan.... all he did was adjust the gamma curve, he didn't "stick" any shine on them that wasn't already there. Chill! Seems he's got your panties in a wad! :) (Pssst.....John's trying to play nicely with the other kids, give him a break!)
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I like both versions, personally. I think that the version posted is more Linda's style (go figure), but for some people, the more saturated colors are more striking. The thing about this photo is it's simplicity. It's boots. And colors. That's it. Great!
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Jayme, my "panties" can't possibly be in a wad, I don't wear any. I thought we were free to leave our comments, thoughts, and critiques on others photos as long as "we play nice", but now that you've sufficiently chastised me I'll go crawl in my hole
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to me, part of the charm of the photo is the weather beaten quality of the original shot. at first glance, john's version is prettier, at second glance, linda's original more satisfying to me. i agreed with susan's first comment, which seems to have disappeared.
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Hi Ben S., out of personal respect for Linda, someone I very much admire as a person and photographer, I deleted my comment about John "sticking some shine on the boots" that Jayme found so offensive. I believe this is just some backlash from the on going discussion in the PN site feedback where I defended the admin/moderators, I can assure you I was not "attacking" John, nor Jayme for that matter, I think my posting history speaks for itself. Ben, I have great respect for your "peace keeping" endeavors and I think your FIVE initiative was a stroke of genius for ways to make this site better. So I apologize to Linda for turning her commentary into a "cat fight", I sincerely hope she will delete any offending comments she deems necessary. And on that note I'll end with a favorite quote of mine....."Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling". My sincere wish is that we'll all have a safe and enjoyable trip through PN. Now's it's time for me to go feed the cows.
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Susan, I apologize, I did not mean to make you feel "chastised". Basically, my comment was my form of tongue-in-cheek humor. I got the feeling you were a little harsh on John's comment (re: gamma curves) because you did not agree with his forum posting or past behavior. I did not find your comment "offensive", just a tiny bit harsh. John doesn't need me to defend him. If he wanted, he could tear us both to shreds. He opted not to. As I said," Pssst...John's trying to play nicely with the other kids, give him a break!". (A clue to my humor)


I apologize for the misunderstanding. I would NEVER knowingly hurt anyone's feelings, it's not in my nature. Nor would I "chastise" anyone, not you nor John. I might try to beat John at his intellectual games, but only with the spirit of fair play in mind. I love chipping away at his crusty exterior because I believe there's a "heart of gold" underneath. Call me crazy:)


I will leave my comments, as well I wish you'd have left yours, I doubt Linda would mind. She's a pretty "resilient" photographer. As far as NOT wearing panties, LOL, nice come back, I'm going to use that! :)

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Back from a little road trip and up to date on the comments....


As far as brightening, saturating. etc. I agree that is makes a more striking picture, but I do prefer my documentation, since after all, it was as they were.


Susan, Jayme, Ben....I'm glad you felt comfortable enough here to have a free discussion. Love, y'all.....

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