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This image has been inspired by a theme. This month's theme is the folder title. All constructive comments on : * theme match;* aesthetics &* originalityare welcomed. Though as a group we cannot return your kindness of a few words, the anonymous photographer is encouraged to reciprocate in his/her user name.

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Unusual and strange. It resists any interpretation I try to make, and thats interesting.
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I'm going to have to come back to this one. I love the clear bubbles.
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Very nice PT, interesting approach to the theme! I like the colors and sharpness; however imho too bad you cut off the pink drop.


Well done!



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Intriguing no doubt. I may see harmony but sincerely I dont see difficulty. Perhaps the difficulty is to get what is it? Perhaps the difficult side of this image is to guess what is the subject. Anyhow it is an interesting image.
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I loe those colours and the gentleness of the liquid versus the turmoil of the bubbles on top ... very well done PT!
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What the others said - very interesting image, well done technically, and no clue what it is. Because of that, good theme fit :)


No suggestions for improvements and no gripes this time.



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I assume this is an ornament you have photographed PT(?) I like the pink and blue section very much. Like Guillermo, I feel the harmonious nature of those colours and the shapes they fill - but I cannot sense the difficulty from the image before us.

Perhaps the desaturated bubbles clustering at the top are representative of the discord?

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I'm back. I would love to see a shot of just the upper bubbles. I do find the pink and blue pleasing to the eye but I really am drawn to the upper bubbles for the lines and patterns within each other.



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Pretty enjoyably puzzled by this one. I guess I can see 'difficulty' in the tension between the bubbles in the upper portion, that presumably want to rise up (to the top of the frame), and the coloured drops, that are, at the bottom at least, being pulled downwards; though the coloured sections seems to be contained from rising upward by the glass(?) barrier upper mid-frame. Nope, I'm totally confused/bemused. Guess there's some harmony in the roundness of all bubbles, and the balance they seem to have found within their various constraints. I'd love to know more about it. Like the composition, and the lighting.
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It's a science toy that you flip over and over to watch the shapes formed by the two liquids. There were two difficulties 1)getting the shot 2)deciding on which pattern I liked best!! The liquids fall very quickly so there were many more misses than hits.


PT chose the original upload one because the pink looks like two people hugging, a good thing to do in any difficulty. The grey bubbles can represent trouble brewing (like thunder clouds?).


The back lighting was from a desk lamp screened with tracing paper.


And now I'll turn it just one last time.

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I like the patterns, colours, the bubbles. The picture brings a peaceful feeling. But, theme fit for me comes from the disturbing, "difficult" blue spots about a 3rd of the way up along the pink/blue join. Well done PT, a very different shot!
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Like everyone else, I love the colors and patterns so the harmony is very strong...not so certain about the difficulty but that's okay, I really like the photo. Nice work, PT.
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Not much to add. I like the mechanics of the shot. Great idea with the tracing paper, I'll have to use that.


I don't really see the theme fit. I like the image, but I really like the full shot of the toy.

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