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This image has been inspired by a theme. This month's theme is the folder title. All constructive comments on : * theme match;* aesthetics &* originalityare welcomed. Though as a group we cannot return your kindness of a few words, the anonymous photographer is encouraged to reciprocate in his/her user name.

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I like a lot the idea behind this one. Took me a while to understand what was going on and where the temptation was, but now it is all clear.


Aesthetically however, I find it very busy. I would have liked to see more emphasis on the temptation portion of it.

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Flea Market I think.

If so I'd rather see the shot taken from inside the market.

I too like the idea...but the photo doesn't work for me.


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I've got a couple others from this series, I'll probably post one of the others as well. This is the least obvious, but I thought that the context was important.


I don't want to give it away, but look at the flags.

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What I saw as temptation from this photo is crossing the borders... If it can help others... It is much more evident in the larger view.


Once again, very good theme fit PT.

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Thankfully, with the help of the flags I got this before I read look at the flags. I do wish the furthest flag was more distinguishable.
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Interesting idea, but there are too many things happening in this photograph so the emphasis is not clear. I saw the flags and was wondering if this had something to do with "medications" of some sort. If I think of something

that can improve the idea/shot I will leave another comment.

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This is a bit obscure, PT; the dog & railway lines are clearly red herrings to check who's paying attention.

I would prefer fewer elements, & emphasis on the queuing cars.

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I dont know if my coment is of any use but honestly I dont get it. After reading others comments I feel stupid because they made me more confusing. I dont see what other are seeing. Sorry PT but this is my reaction.
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This was taken just south of the US/Mexican border in Nogales. All of the cars are in line to head to the US. Hundreds, if not thousands, of Mexicans cross the border illegally every day. These people live, literally, a stone's throw away from a place where many of them desperately want to live.


I thought that the panhandler, the balloon vendor and the stray dog added something to the commentary, but I can see how they are confusing to the overall theme.


Oh well, I took a chance.

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Ohhh the flags! That I didn't notice at all. I was looking at the dog thinking he's going to make a run for freedom ... that sort of temptation.


It's a shame you had to give us a hint re the flags, but then again being from down under it's not something that I would automatically notice.


I agree that it's a very busy scene and the second one is much better.


Sorry can't give more constructive view.

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I'm sorry to say that this doesn't really do it for me. I like the notion of the US/Mexican border for the temptation theme, but I'm not seeing much more than a shot of the border in the distance. It's the classic shot that relies on its title or an explanation to tell its story. Ideally, the shot should do that by itself.


More specifically, there's not much compositional interest to the shot, nor is there any engaging human interest, which I'd think would be important for this theme - at least for the subject PT's chosen to bring out the theme. Really, the only interesting element in the shot is the dog - what's he looking at? - but his gaze takes the viewer's attention away from the border.


I do like the idea of the border as temptation, but if I was going to shoot here, I'd try to get some of the emotion of the people trying or wanting to cross or, given camera sensitivities around federal installations, go for a stronger composition with fewer and more distinct elements, and more interesting light.

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Well PT, you at least have scored high on the number of comments!!


I certainly would not have got any idea of the meaning without the help given. When I saw it, for me the temptation was either the dog running away (after all he's looking away) or the frustrated woman stomping to her car to drive away (from her moaning kids, left behind at the balloon stand?).... so far from you border crossing illegal immigration idea!


PS The flag looks a bit french from a distance ...

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First impression got me concentrating on the cars versus the (somewhat overweight) pedestrian. The temptation to use our car, rather than going for a walk was my own unique (initial) interpretation. I completely missed all the "flag waving" in the background. Just another example that we al "see" different - thank goodness!
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I did not get the idea at first, just after the explanation of what we are seeing. Temptation of another country.

The reactions on this image are a fine example of the international character of our photogroup. Things evident for some members (from daily experience) are hidden to others. With that in mind we should be clearer in our attempts to convey the message of the theme to all, no matter where they live. It will be more difficult to get to the essence of things.


About this image - the theme fit - good.

The scene composition is too busy and it lacks beauty.

cheers Jana

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Phew, thanks for the explanation, PT. Me too I missed the flag, and my attention was like Peter's (but flipping back and forth to the dog). Given the explanation, good theme fit. But if such an explanation is needed then maybe the shot does not really "work"?


But heck you got a good discussion!





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For me, this is not a theme fit. Living in a border state as I do, there is not so much temptation here as survival, or at the very least, getting the most for your skills and/or abilites. I could go on for pages. Anyway, no theme fit. Aesthetically, my attention is drawn to the dog. What is he looking at and what is so intersting?
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