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Snow Drifts


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Great Megan! This image has really more than one levels of observation. From greater distance ist is very soft and the gradients from light to darkness are really smooth. But when one gets near, it gets more and more textured, in a way that the smoothness magically remains! Great work! Keep it up!


Best wishes,


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To me this shot sums up the meaning of the word winter:simple but straight to the point....my favourite shot of the winter serie....from a distance it could have the reverse effect,i mean,it could pass for sand dunes in the desert....provided you don't look at the title of the photo,of course
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Thanks. This is one of the photos I took that was more than "just another snapshot", and It is still one of my faves. Megan
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this is captured very well Megan. the snow almost looks like sand in the foreground....I love the simplicity , the shadows and how the eye gradually travels to the upper left. lovely image.
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Thanks for commenting. This is one of the first photos I ever took with my current camera, and at the time I believe it was just a snapshot, I am so happy that it turned out the way it did. Glad you like it. Megan
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