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I enjoy browsing the photographs on photo.net!There are many talented people here.

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Jacqueline,Welcome to Five! I looked through your portfolio and love your creative eye. Many of your shots go beyond the ordinary setup.

This image in particular strikes me as interesting. What really catches me is the diagonal created by the receding wave that is offset at ninety degrees by the next incoming wave. Aesthetically this is very pleasing and rare to capture with such a pleasing reflection from the sky on the sand.


If I were to add my two cents on improving the image I would say to crop off the bottom by an inch or so. this way the bottom corner would be the start of the diagonal. I would then work with then try to enhance the sky a bit. If you shot it in raw I would overlay a version that is one or two stops down from this which captures the sky. I would then combine the two with a gradient fill. this would bring out the clouds more.

Lastly I would adjust the saturation and run a sharpness editor on the whole thing.

The more I look at it, the more I realize what a great image you captured. Well done!

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Thank you for taking the time to offer your suggestions and comments. Much appreciated! I'll try out a few of your ideas and repost. Come again.... :)
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A great photo Jacqueline! Everything on it seems to point to those houses at the deoth pf the horizon and the perspective is amazing. Also, the fine reflection of the sky on the water makes the beach look just as if it were the deep sea.


I would wish the sky to be a bit more saturated, but I guess that this is a real hard problem to solve photographically, since measuring light at the beach will set long exposition times / wide appertures and thus lighten up the sky even more, making it almost white, while measuring light at the sky will set short exposition times / narrow appertures making reflection on the beach almost black. So you managed to get quite a nice compromise between the light and the dark parts of the photo.


Of course, as Drew explained, with PS the photo can be enhanced, but I just wanted to mention how hard it can get to if such great luminosity differences are one photo.


Very very good, work! Congratulations and best wishes!


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Hello Nick~ yes, I wish the sky was more saturated but I think I'd rather try for a repeat shot with better lighting conditions. I've tweeked the saturation once but it changes all the colors entirely too much...it didn't look anything like what I saw!! I'm a purist too :) Thanks so much for your nice comments....very encouraging!!
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