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I just read a rather odd comment you made, not "about" one of my photographs, but about the response I made to an actual comment someone else made...which was inappropriate enough in itself... You began by insinuating that I was being "hipocrytical" (if you're going to call me hypocritical, at least spell it correctly). I honest to goodness could'nt make sense of most of the remainder of the comment...it was very rambling and incoherent. You began talking about a photograph (apparently of yours)...giving several reasons as to why the photograph wasn't up to par. I could only assume that you must have been talking about a photo of yours that I had critiqued...and not to your liking. I went through critiques I had given and this is the photo you're apparently referring to. The following is the comment I made on your photograph, that by the tone of your comment...have gotten your panties into a total wad.


C.H. Eldridge , April 07, 2007; 12:34 P.M.

We have a winner!

John Galyon , June 09, 2007; 12:49 A.M. (edit | delete)

sorry but winners aren't out of focus...exposure needs help as well


Granted, my comment was BLUNT...but nonetheless accurate. You stated in your comment to me, "I think the proper response would be..." and you went on to tell me how I should critique your photo. First of all, what you think is the proper way to word a critique is unimportant to me. We all get to choose how we word things. Secondly, you gave several reasons as to why the photo was out of focus and suggested that I should have read your bio before critiquing the shot. I don't have to read your bio and/or understand anything about the circumstances of why the shot might be out of focus...to SEE that it is out of focus. If it's out of focus...it's out of focus. While I do sympathize with the fact that it was hand held and as you said, "no way to get proper exposure and desired sharpness"...I don't have the time to go through the bio of each person whose photo I critique to find out the details of "why" it is so... Next, from your response to my comment, you'd think that I'd written a nasty volume of how bad your work is and attacked you personally...I didn't. Although I remind you that you did attack me personally with your comments. I'm sorry that you don't have more time to shoot photographs, as you indicated when you commented in a rather nasty way about the fact I must have a lot of time on my hands to shoot the (?) quantity/quality of photographs I shoot...(I don't know which you were speaking of...you didn't make it clear)...but you need not be so transparently jealous. I've worked a full-time job w/ lots of overtime for over 35 years and still manage to spend time behind the camera. So, perhaps you just need to prioritize your time better if photography is of great importance to you. There was a time when I couldn't shoot a lot...was raising small children, and perhaps that is the case with you. If so, be patient and enjoy the time raising your family (just a suggestion)...the time for photography will come later in life, as is the case with me. C.H. - IMHO, if one small comment I made, no matter how blunt...is all that it takes for you to send a rather nasty, uncalled for, and obviously retaliatory response ...two words: grow up. But if you choose the same path again...honestly, get someone to help you word things so that the person can at least understand what it is you're attempting to say. Lastly, just a suggestion...don't post a photo for critique if you feel that you get to decide what the critique says....and, most importantly...it's really embarassing for someone to try to justify their failed photographic attempts by making excuses. We all take bad photographs. Why get so bent when someone says "it's not a winner" and tells you why? If someone had told me the same thing, I'd want them to elaborate on why it's not a winner and ask how I might make it actually be a winner. But, as I said earlier...it's my choice how I critique, it's your choice how you respond. But if you choose to respond like a scolded child...expect this kind of response from others.


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you might notice that i didn't rate the above photo...if i were the kind of person you are accusing me of being...where is the 3/3?
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...just a note... NOT A SINGLE PHOTOGRAPH in my portfolio in which a tripod was used, or good or bad...hand held isn't a good reason for a bad shot...but it is a valid excuse.
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Like I said, I wish I had a smidgin' of the time it appears you have! Let me try to help you understand me, without writing a book. The fact remains you gave me a negative critique without any positive feedback, and yes it offended me, as it should any "normal" Human Being. Now try to control your inner child, and admit some wrong doing of your own! I think p.net should offer a course on proper photo critique etiquette. I realize this shot is not technically sound, but I liked it's subject matter enough to post it anyhow! I'll admit I was even greener than I am now, and didn't even own a tripod when this photo was taken. You, like myself, can be a tad abrasive and perhaps not notice it at times, but I think you, like myself, can also be a wonderful person to converse with, and learn from. It's certainly our choice who we want to be at any such time. Go back and look at that word you were talking down to me about that I misspelled. I only placed an "i" instead of a "y" at the begining. Generally, I'm a pretty good "speller", but once in a while it does gets me! I appreciate your kind words on a few of my other shots. I will go through your port. next time I'm online. Until then, Peace Be The Journey Johnny! Regards, Charles
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P.S. You're right I have a 3yr.old named Autumn, and a 5yr.old named Willow, and hardly any time for Dad! Willow is just finishing up Kindergarten, and Autumn will begin Headstart this year. With them finally both in school, I'll have what will appear to be (at first) an over-abundance of time on my hands! There mother works 11p-7a, so I have to be home with the little one right now, while her sister is at school. I've been riding this storm now for about 5yrs., and I'm finally begining to see some blue sky!! All work and no play, makes Charlie a dull boy!
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I'm very glad that you chose to respond...and yes, I'll admit some fault. I'll try to explain myself as you did, because I do want you to understand that I wasn't trying to simply be a pompous ass, at least in my initial comment :) My comment was rather abrupt...which to be honest it was intended to be. There's a passage of scripture that tells us to "provoke one another to good works". Perhaps I take that a bit too literally at times...but I did state what was wrong with the photo...and my intent was that if the photographer (you of course in this case) is interested enough to want to make corrections/ learn something...they will be more curious than they are offended by a blunt but accurate and honest comment, and speak to me about the matter. This approach is acceptable in some areas of life if you think about it...but not in others. Athletic coaches chew out their athletes in a manner that would result in law suits if it were done in other settings. I guess it's apparent I take the "coach approach". As well, sometimes I just don't take the time to be certain that people are'nt misinterpreting my attitude/motive. Written comments such as critiques don't allow us to see the person's eyes, hear the tone of their voice, or read their body language. So, a blunt, brief comment such as mine allowed a lot of room for something to be read into my words, that really was not their in my heart and mind. I don't want to beat a dead horse to death...but I urge you to consider what I related to you when I said as well, that I just don't have the time to read a person's bio just in case I might find something there that might explain why a partiular photograph has problems. When I see a really "bad" photograph, I do go to the person's bio and try to assertain if they are a beginner or a more advanced photographer. If I see that someone in a complete novice, I certainly don't want to be so harsh in my words that I discourage them from pursuing their craft...but I do try to be honest so that they can learn. In your case, this photo is not "bad"...just has some issues. When I did look at your bio, I saw that you've had some involvement w/ photography for several years...so I didn't treat you with "kid gloves" as I would have a "newbie". I really don't like "pissing matches", but I do admit I've got a short fuse at times and if someone wants to "duke it out", I'm usually more than happy to oblige them...sometimes to no one's benefit. So once again...my apologies. No harm intended, I give you my word. I'm being long-winded, and yet I probably still didn't address all the points of your comments, but hopefully we've cleared the air a bit. I'd bet that we could probably become good friends and benefit each other greatly if that's what we choose to do... As for me, I hope this is the beginning of just that! best regards, john
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It's good to know we are both strong-willed men, but it's even better knowing we're reasonable, most of the time! I'll be talking to you. - Charles
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