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Peter, It looks like he's guarding the graffiti! Nicely done.
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Thanks Laurie. Kathy, he told me he was looking for a sensitive photographer who was into finely balanced western landscapes. Someone who didn't mind that he writes poetry, has a black belt, is a gourmet cook, breaks mustangs, built his own getaway cabin in Wyoming which he doesn't often go to because "it's just too lonely" speaks 4 languages and would rather cuddle than watch sports on TV. Oh, heck, I lost his number.
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That's pretty funny Peter. I'm not so sure Kathy will agree. He is kind of cute in a too young for me and I'm married sort of way.
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Forgot to mention that he is also a reformed "bad boy" and an expert tango dancer who loves to teach both the steps and the passion of the dance. His favorite movies are Sliding Doors, Sleepless in Seattle, Shakespeare In Love, Under The Tuscan Sun and The English Patient. And no, he likes women.
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ROTFL! The only way I can console myself now is to imagine he abuses animals and has a mother fixation. But seriously - I hope you don't think I was being flip. The photo has a nice balance to it, and I like the juxtaposition with the graffiti as much as Laurie does :)
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Thanks Kathy. When I took this shot in SOHO, NYC I had just gotten my digital camera and was still learning how to operate it. I got his ok to take a couple of shots although he was clearly uncomfortable with the attention. As I was shooting, a gang of photography students rounded the corner and saw me and jumped right in behind. Now it's like 12 cameras going on. Then, I swear, a bus stops at the corner and at least 20 Chinese tourists--all the men in suits and the women in petal pushers-- jump out with disposible cameras, P&S film cameras, small digital cameras and the inevitible video camera. Most of the cameras were locked on fill flash and so there was this whole wall of twinkling light as they took pictures of the cop. The poor guy was getting overwhelmed and waved his arms and moved on fast. BTW I think he is studying at night to be a small animal vet and being an orphan, he never knew his mom, but is courageously untraumatized by the fact that he grew up in a Shaolin Temple without a normal childhood. Apparently, it forced him to get in touch with his feelings and appreciate the wonder that is womanhood from a very early age. He doesn't snore.
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Peter has either been reading Cosmo or watching the Lifetime channel!
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D@mmit, Peter, you're not making this any easier! Laurie, make him stop, or send the squirrels out to get that phone number! I wonder if I could get a badge number if I zoomed in ....

Great story though - he probably wondered what the heck was going on

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Great shot, Peter. The poor guy doesn't realize that he's now internationally famous and would probabnly be a good candidate for some reality show like Survivor. As for the picture itself, it's got so much detail I think in this case a small dark border might serve very well to consolidate the composition. I'm fully aware that it's not your style, so please take this suggestion with the usual grain of salt.
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terrific shot, hilarious story. the lighting, the background, the pose, the solid blue against the vibrant graffiti, the people above have said it better that i can.
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Ah, yes. The ubiquitous graffiti must be guarded at all costs. Nice to see that the task is being taken so seriously, and nice of you to document it for posterity!


You do have a fine sense of humor, Mr. Mead.



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