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© Copyright 2001 Wyofoto

Maligne Lake Sunset



© Copyright 2001 Wyofoto

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This is one of the few landscape photographs I've seen which is so breathtakingly beautiful. The contrast of the dreamy gray clouds and the shining blue lake surface is harmonious.

I feel like I'm inside the picture and I'm floating over the lake while I'm watching the scenery.

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A wonderfull combination of different effects: Clear and realistic mountains, dynamic clouds (the aspect that turned this image into my favorite in your portfolio) and a reflection like a painting. In terms of composition I would maybe not have included the very right 1/5, but not for shure. A great photograph!!
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This is definitely one of my favourite photos on this site. The composition is beautiful and the light is just incredible! I love the light on the mountain against the dark, stormy sky. Most people would have stayed inside this kind of weather. Fortunately, you didn't, and you made this wonderful shot! I too, enjoy shooting in inclement weather. But I must say, I havn't come up with anything like this one!


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Is it me or is this picture not right. The dark clouds are not reflected on the water while the mountains are. did you photoshop the storm in later? Or am I just seeing things wrong. please tell me.
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No polarizer was used to change the reflection.

If you look closely there is a hint of the clouds in the water. The only changes made in Photoshop were color corection and a levels change to set the white and black points. The light was what it was, quite amazing. I left my medium format camera in the car unfortunately!

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Than I apologize, I'm only a beginner at photography and that was just the first thing I noticed. If the light was really like that I wished I was there. It is amazingly dramatic, well done
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Is it just me, or is the horizon tilted? I know I have some where irregular shorelines make it look tilted. Please tell me, where do you get the polarizer and warming filters in PS? I would really like to have the use of those filters. I also use the 645n.
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This one stand out among others in this folder. However, I'm curious to see the absence of the reflection gray cloud on the water. Didn't mean to be knit-picking but it sort of odd for me.
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Look carefully at the reflection and the sky.

You will see the grey cloud should be below

the bottom line of the photo.

That's why you can't see it.

No Photoshop tricks here at all.

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One of the most dramatic pictures I've


The horizon's straight Toni, it's an

optical illusion because of the land

jutting out on the right.

Amazing shot!

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Talk about being in the right place at the right time. But then we all know you can sometimes engineer your own luck using a map and weather forecast... A bit of shoreline or interesting foreground detail would have made it perfect, but when Mother Nature starts showing off as unashamedly as this, you can't go far wrong.
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The lighting on this landscape photograph is incredibly beautiful. You've manage to control values in this photograph very well. The composition also emphasises the lighting quite well.
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