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© Copyright 2006 Larry McGarity

Preflight Inspection


Canon 300D with EF 300mm f4L IS and EF 1.4 TC - Exposure 1/400 at f8


© Copyright 2006 Larry McGarity

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I love the color of this b/w! It compliments these three perfectly. Superb detail, amazing tone. The tone is what makes this shot so striking. Thanks for sharing.
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The exposure, event, and title are all very nice. I personally find something missing with the composition. I wish I could give a more specific reason, but the dead space doesn't work for me in this one. Thanks.
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Benjamin might have a problem with the top of the frame - maybe there's too much? I'm fine with it, though it does seem to push the eyes down and waste a little bit of space. For all that though - I like the tones, and the position of the birds :) Loveland, huh?


Oh, and hi! I'm back!

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Thank you for commenting Neli. I do appreciate it.


Benjamin I agree it isn't perfect. I wish the light had been better for one thing. And I have never been quite satisfied with some of the technical aspects of the image myself. But I do think it is a bit humorous so I am willing to live with the flaws. Thanks for your input.


Welcome back Kathy. And thank you. Where have you been keeping yourself? I was thinking about you the other day when someone mentioned Canon rebates. When last we spoke we were discussing those and it made me wonder if you were still around. And yes it is Loveland, home for the valentine day card. That and bronze sculptures. Those things are all over the place around here.


Saludos Reencarnacion. Muchas gracias por los comentarios.


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Yup, I'm still around, and wish I'd been able to take advantage of those Canon rebates. :/ But I'm still in wishing mode, at least until March, and if I can manage to silence the responsibility monster in my head I'll use some bonus money for a new camera instead of for paying down bills. I've wanted to get out and shoot, but work/life have been conspiring I'm afraid. Poor excuse, but there you are :)
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The nice thing about Canon and rebates is that they happen at least twice a year. That allows you to be fiscally responsible and still not miss out. If you missed this round there is always a next time. :)
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It is not a high Key Larry, and still a very unusal color range that makes it different. I like the open space here and your title that made me smile.... Pnina
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Thank you Pnina. You are right, there is too much contrast for it to be high key. As for the title, thats the first thing that popped into my mind when I saw this. I am glad it made you smile. :)
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I at first thought he was getting "goosed", but these are your swans, aren't they? I love the humor in this also, and the title! I'm happy to see some more of these beauties!
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Yep these are the swans. They showed up for three or four days and then disappeared again. I make the rounds every day looking for them but no luck for the last week. For one thing there are a lot of duck and geese hunters frequenting the lake they were in. I am of the mind that the swans didn't care for the gunfire and looked for quieter feeding grounds. Spring is a ways off so maybe our paths will cross again. Keep your fingers crossed. :)
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anche questa bella foto immagine...bella bella bella...con calma mi quardero' bene il suo portfolio...che a prima vista eccellente x me ...complimenti
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Love the title! As for the comp, I really like it...the swans and the ?shoreline? draw my eye, so the space above ceases to exist for me. I also love the muted tones. Very delicate look, almost like a quiet image so as not to startle the birds. I like it! Leslie
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Thank you Leslie. Its been very interesting observing these swans this winter. They are fascinating birds.
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