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Extension 21mm. Film rated at 3200 and underdeveloped by mistake.

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Leo was born at 1905. She lives inside her bright blue eyes.

I took this photo with Rollei R3 rated at 3200. It seems that a

wrong developing process resulted in an almost non-useful negative.

But I was very much interested in this portrait, so I worked in it

anyway. The grain was unavoidable, so I had to try to understand the

image as it was in the negative, in a different way as I usually do.

What's your opinion on the results?

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Not bad considering you had to recover it from an almost useless negative. I think if you were to size the image down some, you wouldn't notice the grain as much.
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Beautiful Manuel. Un retrato que de veras captura la vida de la senora. Una luz bella y una composicion buenisima, considerando la negativa. A mi el grano no me molesta nada por cierto en esta ami me parece qye le anade.


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Manuel ,creo que es una de tus mejores fotos . El ruido , en este caso , coordina perfectamente con la edad de Leo y realza la foto.

(No me dejan darte 7/7...volvere en unos dias )

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Absolutely outstanding portrait, dear Manuel.

Regarding grain I think that it adds much to the excellent portrait and light.

You are a master and I feel privileged to know you and have the opportunity to learn from you!!

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Hola Manuel.


Aqui no importa nada tecnico porque la fuerza que une el grano, la luz, los pixeles es el amor. Entonces todo queda pequenyo en comparacion con la fuerza de sus ojos, su conversacion en ese momento, el olor del cuarto y tu proximidad.

Gracias por compartirla pues vale la pena para todos nosotros.



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It is an excelent portrait, I have no question about. The grain is an isse here: IMO the grain on the face is OK, you can even think it adds a feeling of vulnerability, but the grain on the darker areas dont work that well. If you watch the thumbnail tou will see what I mean. I suggest you to burn the somber, dark areas. I think that this portrait deserves to be printed quite large, but IMO as I said burnin tha dark areas to overcome some grain there. Congrats for rescuing a damaged negative, and for a splendid photo.
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MANUEL !!!! pero si es un FOTON.....Me parece fascinante el retrato que has logrado. Lleno de fuerza, estetica....Hace mucho que no rateo fotos pero esta lo merece y va un 7/7.
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Manuel: Vi esta foto en cuanto la subiste, pero me ganaron las prisas. Ahora la veo con calma y te digo que nos haz ense#ado una enorme leccion: No descartar un negativo a la primera impresion. Creo que es una de las mejores fotos que te he visto. Una mega ampliacion, seria de fabula. Bien pensada, bien trabajada y extraordinariamente bien resuelta. Felicidades!
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Maravillosa, Manuel, muy buena composicion, nos deja filosofando por un buen rato acerca de la brevedad del paso del tiempo, en todos nosotros. Felicitaciones y mil abrazos!
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Hello Manuel, this is another portrait of the highest quality. I am always impressed by the dignity and humanity you show in your sitters.


I don't see the grain as a big issue, but I ran the shot through Neat Image to reduce it a little.


Very best wishes. Peter

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Thank you all for your nice and suggestive comments. They encourage me to recover other apparently useless negatives of this film. I had a nice opportunity to capture with images a nice history, so I feel oblied to try to do the best of them. I'll work in the reduction of noise in the darkest area to compare and see which of them work better, since it seems there are different opinions on this regard.

Thanks again and I hope you can soon enjoy new photos of this elderly woman: I'm sure we all have a lot to learn from her history.

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