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With my cat


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Iba a decir que nada sobra...

Pero dudo respecto al arbol. Hubiera preferido concentrar la mirada, tras detenerla en el cat, en esa pared albero y en los cubos del fondo.

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A mix of bizarre and beauty. Extremely original shot for the contrasts of objects inside. Even the cat at the corner looks surreally put there. Also, the model's extreme beauty fits with the rest of the picture's mood because of the props she is wearing. Well done for this thought provoking shot.
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Muchas gracias por pararte a mirar con tanto cuidado esta serie... Aprecio mucho tus comentarios. Si, yo tambien tengo mis dudas respecto al arbol... pero es tan imponente y fantasmal que no pude evitar incluirlo en el ambiente. Saludos!!
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For stopping and looking at this series so thoroughly... Your comments are very kind and revealing for me. Thanks a lot!! Regards.
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Please! 20D deserves much more than this cheap lens. Take one more look of the photo - it's soft because of the lens. But cheap doesn't necessarly mean bad; 50 1.8 is cheap and really sharp. For less than 100 euro you get a superb portrait lens.
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for your suggestions... Of course I do have the 50mm. 1.8 lens - of course I could buy it because it's not terribly expensive. In fact, I'm using it in almost all of my photos. This time I wanted to use more angle, that's why I used the "cheap" lens, the ones I have. I know I should have better lens but I do not have them by know. I'll buy them as soon as I have the money.... Best regards!
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Me gusta... hubiera tenido mas cuidado con el tema de la izquierda esas casas... hasta el verde hubiera sido otra cosa, o sino jugar con el desenfoque del fondo. Uff!! esa pared amarilla tiene mucha fuerza, como la modelo.
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Oh, si, Imanol, completamente de acuerdo contigo en el tema de la casa. Error mio, estaba demasiado pendiente del gato... entre otras cosas... Muxus
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