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© Nanette Samol




© Nanette Samol

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the tower needs to be in sharp focus this pic just doesnt work as nothing is in focus there just too much feedback


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I like this idea, the only part of this photo I do not like is the red line at the top of the tower...
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Thanks for the comments. The red line bothers me too but not something I can help really. I don't think cloning it out would work too well, but something I could try. The red line makes me feel like my verticals are off but I've played with this and find that they aren't. As for the tower being out of focus, I'm not sure I see what you're seeing, Adam. This is a long exposure where I have zoomed during exposure, so there would be movement happening in the image. I'm not sure I understand what you mean by feedback either, could you explain this? (If you come back) Maybe someone else can enlighten me on Adam's comments. Thanks. Nanette
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At last! A different shot of the needle. Makes a good subject for zooming during exposure. I don't mind the red light. After all when you take these, you never know what you'll get till you see them
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I don't say this one's a good shot..with a good technique!But I like it anyway...It's an "art work"in photography...by my opinion.!
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I like your vision : this could be static - as usually images of this landmark are - but it isn't. It feels space-y, a real rush of energy to the eye. Well done.
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Thank you for your feedback. I never thought of trying this at an angle but the next time I am in town, I will be sure to try that out. You're right about timing when it comes to traveling, especially when you don't get to stay for very long. I'm glad you enjoyed this shot, it's one that I quite enjoy myself.
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