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Canon 300D with EF 24-70mm f2.8L at 65mm - Exposure 1/15 sec at f11

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If you hate sunrise photos all I can say is you can't please everyone.

In any event thanks for looking. Comments are welcomed.


The only Photoshop routines used on this image were a levels

adjustment and unsharp mask.

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Wow! Wow! Wow! I'm not big on using that word but I don't know what else to say. So, wow!


I wanted to rate this but the system got in my way. I'm not going to give it less than it deserves so I'll be back.

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Jamie, Radu, Jesus, Imanol, and Rafik


I'll say thank you to all of you at once. I appreciate your comments and ratings. Believe me I am NOT complaining but I have to admit I am a bit surprised at the responses this has gotten. Goes to show you just never know. Thanks again. :)

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Thank you Leann. This morning was another spectacular sunrise. I didn't photograph it. I just watched it because I don't want to get in a rut. Although if I thought sunrises would consistently pull ratings like this one has, I might be tempted to change my mind. :)



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Larry, it is a spectacular sunrise, never saw such intensity.the yellow light separates so nicely the change of shifts..Pnina
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Thank you Pnina. This was about the most intense sunrise I have ever photographed as well. I came very close to not uploading it to photo.net. My last two posts before this one were also sunrise photos. I really don't want to be too repetitive so I was reluctant to post this one as well. I finally talked myself into it and the positive response has been a big surprise.
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Sunrizes like this are rare, so don't feel bad about posting more than one shot. I like the previous two better as images, but the sky itself is particularly outstanding on this one. Great job! Thanks for sharing it.
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I agree and couldn't have said it better myself re the other two being better as images. Thanks for taking time to comment.

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How can you NOT photograph something this beautiful when it's right there spread out in all it's glory for you?? What a sky! That black streak through the middle really adds. I'm with Jamie...WOW! We must not have enough polution over here. We're at least seeing sunrises now, but they're not too colorful. Yours are awesome!
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Thank you Kim. We have had some pretty good sunrises lately. But oddly enough this morning there was almost no color in the clouds at all.


You are right that pollution and dust in the air play a role in how vivid sunrise and sunsets are. And now that I think of it we have had strong winds of late. During the middle of the day the clarity of the light was uncommonly good. The air was crystal clear with no haze. It looked like you could see forever.


I guess its a trade off. Colorless sunrise for a gorgeous day. Not such a bad deal.


Back to this photo. This has gotten the highest composite rating of any photo I have ever posted. I have a couple of others that come close, but still this is the highest score I have had. I am still shaking my head over that. Frankly its no where near the best photo in my portfolio. Its not even close. Don't get me wrong I am not complaining and I will take it but I almost have to laugh when I think about how reluctant I was to post it. I only ended up doing so thinking that I would probably delete it the next day. Go figure.

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It's such an attention-getter...maybe they're rating God's artwork more than yours in this case, Larry.
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I never thought of it that way but you could well be right. Like I said, I am not complaining, but I am laughing. :)
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"What God is in work at this moment ?

SomeOne is behin'the heavens..."


A very great shot. Congratulations

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Thank you Jason. I am continually amazed at the reception this has received. Not complaining mind you, just surprised. :)
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This one is a stunning shot ! I love it a lot for its colors and composition. Thanks for sharing.

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