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I just shot this about 15 minutes ago...no crop. It's amazing how

quick birds are. This is the only shot I got of him and the sound of

the picture being taken made him go from a nice calm stance to this

in the time it took my camera to take the picture.

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I love the colours. I don't do digital so I don't know my way around PS but if you could I would have made the water a little warmer to reflect the colour of the bird. What shutter speed did you use?
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Thanks for the advice, Federica. I just warmed up the water. Your right...it does look better. You might have to refresh this page to see the change. I shot it at 1/160 with a flash. I post processed this pic quite hastily and am thinking maybe I should've taken the time to get rid of the motion blur around his head. Any thoughts?
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also it's interesting that you can see such a beautiful bird near your house. Very nice picture
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The first thing I will say is that I am not a big fan of bird photography--it's ok, but it isn't my thing.


What I do like about this photo is the way the wings, body and blur create something different. If it were mine, I would crop out everything but the bird's body and wings and down to somewhere before the water bath--in other words isolate the bird against the blurred background. I would also slightly increase the density of what is left. i think this would create a photo that goes beyond just being a shot of a bird. I like what you captured here, I just think it would be highlighted without the reality anchor.


I realize that this may be a sacrilege of bird photography, but I just thought I would suggest an alternative way of looking at what you have captured. I don't like to post "versions" unless asked but if you are interested I would be glad to do so.

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Ali - Yes, it's nice to have plenty of cardinals around my house. Up to just a few weeks ago, I could usually count 12 outside of my window at dusk. I think I'm probably down to around 8 now, though. There's been a hawk hanging around and I actually caught a glimpse and a loud audible of him carrying one off about a week ago. I haven't seen him since, so maybe he's moved on. I moved the birdbath from my dining room window to my bedroom window this morning, so that's probably why this guy was so flighty. My next few shots of different ones were basically the same. Now, after 20 or 30 pics they've become accustom to the change and stay put when I shoot them...maybe I'll have to keep moving it to get action shots.


Mona - I'm glad you like it. I shoot birds because it's fun, challenging, and honestly just don't have anything else in mind to shoot. I'm certainly not an old diehard by the book bird photographer. You do whatever you want to to my image. I'm always open to something different. I covered the bottom of it with my hands and have an idea where you're going with it, and think you may be onto something.

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Scott, so here is my version--I have only seen one of these birds in my life, so I hope I haven't changed the color, but at least this will show what I was thinking--hope you like it.

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I really do appreciate you taking the time, Mona. It does have a completely different feel with the crop, but.....I can't get past the missing feet. How many people do you think we could fool?

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I guess I don't look at it like fooling anyone, that wasn't what I was trying to do. I think it is more looking at a photo differently and what does it become presented outside the norm.


It's not that I didn't wonder how to handle the legs--cloning or whatever, but I guess I could see it as catching the bird taking off or landing with a different format camera. Like an x-pan or something of that sort. I like your tweedy pie feet tho!

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Excellent shot, Scott. It reminds me of a Stellar's Jay shot I have with similar motion. Not nearly as good as this though. You can get some great effects with little birdies like this with that shutter speed and flash.


I like the turned head with the peering eye.

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The fact that you are getting non bird pic lovers praising this photo tells me that you don't me to tell you that this is a great capture. But I will anyway. Great Shot!
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oh so funny litlle Cardinal and flapping with his wings so fast!

I wish only more space at the top, but I know how hard it is to photography BIrds dear Scott!


Happy new Year 2006.




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I really like this photo. It's as if he is performing for you. Plus I have not seen a Cardinal yet this year, until now.Nice capture. Regards Scott.
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