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Enchanted Path


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your exposures on this whole folder is " on"..there is not one I don`t like ...but this one stands out to me more because of the depth and contrast in lighting...but more unsual from the usual shot I see from the canyon...anyways...Deine Arbeit ist Fantastisch!!
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The color in your slot canyon photographs is simply incredible. How do you go about recording these colors on film, especially in what looks like the middle of the day?
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Fabian, thanks for your interest. Upper Antelope Canyon is pretty dark and best photographed between 10am and 2pm. With Velvia, I expose for 2, 4, and 8 min at f11 or f16. The colors are a result of the film used and the fact that the light is bouncing from one red cayon wall to another before finally coming down to me.


Lower Antelope Canyon is less steep and much brighter. Exposures are shorter and best times for photography are a little bit later in the day (about 2pm-5pm). Still, the light is bouncing from wall to wall and creating wonderful colors.


I was amazed to see that part of the latest Brittney Spears video was shot in Upper Antelope Canyon. I guess, it soon will become a very hip place to be.

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I remember when I came back from the Antelope canyon first time. I projected my slides on a wall at home, and the colors and everything was just awasome. Then I showed the photos to my friends who like them a lot as well. This was the last time when I really liked my Antelope canyon photos. First I noticed that these photos are being sold in volumes almost everywhere. Sometimes for $5/piece. And all of them looked the same. I can barely find a photo in your folder that I have not seen before. You even use the same names the photographers before you used for their photos.


It is probably very hard or almost impossible to bring an original photo from the canyons. The Antelope canyon in your folder are certainly very beautiful, and required some technical skills to get them.


I do not even know whether photographs from the Antelope Canyon are supposed to be original, or what is exactly the quality measure for them. Not too many people notice that the photos are monochromatic, though, this property is obvious. What if the canyons were grey? Would it be still considered beautiful? People's perception is probably biased towards the red/yellow/orange spectrum of colors. Well, I have never seen a BW photo from the Antelope canyon.


Do not know how exactly rate orginality but somewhere in the range 2-6, i.e. moderately original to unoriginal. Aesthetics in the range 5-8. But maybe I am just very unskilled in judging quality of photographs. Will see how other people digest my comment.

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