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© krphotography 2005

fairy tale



© krphotography 2005

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This is the first of series that I am working on with my 5

daughters. Your honest critiques are appreciated. Suggested are

welcomed! :)

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The collage is for display on the critique forum only. However, I don't find it cheesy. What about it seems cheesy to you? I felt that shoes would take away from the theme that I was trying to portray. what type of shoes would you suggest?
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I'm not fond of the collage (the black bars are distracting - although I wouldn't call it 'cheesy'), but I like the individual photos very much, particularly the ones of her walking barefoot. The slightly desaturated look gives those shots an otherwordly feel that fits within your fairy tale theme, and I like her position on the road (left of center, with the appearance of moving out of the frame). I wish I could tell if she's wearing a hat or a wreath (another reason I'm not crazy about the collage - I'd prefer to see each photo a little larger), but the darkish triangle at the top of her head looks a little distracting and takes a bit of my attention from the rose/her expression. Very pretty girl!
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Thank you for your comments. She's wearing wreath. Although, I have noticed that in these photos it is hard to tell. The 'triangle' is a shadow :(. I had to crop this photo to an 8x10 to print it, and when I did that the leaves and roses on her head were chopped out leaving just the shadow. But, I love the look on her face in this photo. So, perhaps I'll photoshop it out.
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I think each photo is strong enough to stand on their own individual merit, by putting them in a collage, it detracts from the photos. They are competing with each other. About the shoes, I don't know what kind of shoes I would suggest. I'm not really into girl's shoes, LOL. Something that matches her outfit. The lack of shoes, for me, makes it look gloomy; likes she's homeless. Just my opinion.
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The idea is very well done. I don't mind the collage, but each photo could easily stand alone. I can't wait to see the rest. Good job.
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I remember seeing these pictures posted on the ebay photo discussion board.I remember admiring them. I think they are beautiful photos of your daughter. I dont know about you but I sure am glad I found this discussion site. It was slow moving on that board with only 2-3 photographers that really knew what they were talking about.Are you still selling on Ebay? I am just getting ready to get back into selling kids boutique clothing since I have my studio all set up , it will be easy to take the pics.


Elaine Marie

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yes, very slow. But, there is one poster from there that i keep in touch with. His help has really moved me forward. I like the critique forums here. But, the chat boards I have found to be a bit unfriendly lol
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oh and yes. i sell on ebay under a different name. I also buy!!! lots and lots of boutique clothes lol. i have 4 girls hehe :)
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Kim, I love this! I like it as a collage, and yet each photo can stand on it's own.


I like photos with no shoes, it's very 'popular' to have bare feet but I love it. I remember reading in a photography book that shoes can 'date' a photo.


The only criticism I have is that the 2 end shots are too similar to each other, even down to the position of the forward foot. I think it would be interesting to see different positions.


Thanks for posting these, I am trying to be a sponge soaking up info and ideas and I get a lot from you!


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I agree on the shoes. Besides, I have no idea what kind of shoes I would put on her that would have gone with the theme. As mentioned above, fairies don't wear shoes lol. I think that is true. lol


the 2 shots are almost identical. Although, they were taken 2 steps apart. which you can somewhat tell from the way her basket is positioned. I have a hard time with these 2 pics because I like them both and just can't decide.

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Hi Kim,


They go great as a collage and as would also do so as individuals. Collage doesn't distract just brings together 3 great images so you can take them in in an instant and you couldn't do that if they were seperated.



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