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© my photo, please respect.

Self portrait while cycling


20mm ultrawide lens and camera taped to handlebars as i rode to school. Cross-Processed slide film and handprinted. 1/8s f8


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I took this photo one day while on a bike ride to school, i duct

taped the camera to my handlebars - my trusty old pentax superprogram

with a 20mm ultrawide manual focus lens. I have rigged it so the

motordriven shutter button was accessible while riding. I liked this

photo because it was taken while i was weaving in and out of traffic

bombing down one of the busiest streets in montreal.

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An original way to take a photo, I must say. It created an interesting effect: the large amounts of blue in the scene and the motion blur almost make it look like watercolors.
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Cool! A great idea!


That being said, you could have used more duct tape for less facial blurriness, or a brighter day so you weren't using such a slow shutter speed. The blurriness of your face doesn't help the composition.

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Very cool. I like the blurring of the face as you're looking around. I've done my share of riding in unfriendly traffic, and your photo does an excellent job of conveying the feeling of being threatened from every direction.
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Yep, cool shot and I actually like the blurriness of you face. The two buildings (on Mc Gill College?) act as a natural frame to the composition. My only regret is the very hot sky; it would have worked better with the sun out of the composition, I think.
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The motion blur works in this case, and I like the reflection from the glasses, but the blown out sky is too much. Maybe you can reposition the camera so less sky shows (mount it higher above the bars... this could be hazardous though), or try it at a different time of day so the sky looks darker blue.
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This shot was meant to convey the speed of cycling through busy city streets, plus it was shot using cross processed slide film, which tends to blow out highlights like the sky.

I did however do another picture when i was stopped at a light, which i've placed online here. Thanks for the encouraging comments.

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