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© all photos are copyrighted unless mentioned Juan' Photography


Mamiya, Acros film, window light


© all photos are copyrighted unless mentioned Juan' Photography
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One of the most complex and stirring images I've seen in a long time. Even if I hadn't seen the title or known the back-story, I would have been emotionally moved. Wow. But knowing the back-story makes me empathetic--I said goodbye to my two 20+ year old cats maybe 5 years ago and I still have a hard time looking at their portraits.

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I have seen few images in my life that evoke what this piece does. Yes, it is sad but at the same time incredibly beautiful.

Anyone who has lost a pet ( and who hasn't? ) will be touched by this.

Thank you.


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All the emotions and feelings this image stirs have been expressed by everyone else (there is no need to rehash them; but that isn't to take away any of them or minimise their impact) Every now and then an image comes along that you find hard to take your eyes off. You look at it, feel something, and allow yourself to be taken by your emotions. Eventually you look away, continue with whatever it is you do, and then just when you least expect it that image finds it's way to the forefront of your thoughts. The need to view it again begins to build, resinates inside you like a drug, and you come back for one more look. This image does just that for me Juan. Over and over again I'm drawn to it. You have done your memory justice here. This image is like a moment in time, set in stone forever

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I will repeate what I wrote you before,about that bond between human and animals which is touching and well presented here. It is not only this one ,but that series with animals as well as your life mate photos , and story in your files, are creating the image of you as a human being and as a photographer.Congratulations Juan.

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I have to be honest and say I never really understood about commenting on a photo of the week. I am glad that an image is chosen but words usually fail me.

If the photo of the week has a purpose, then this image must surely epitomise its function. I must have missed this when perusing your portfolio. I am simply glad to have seen this. I am sure there are many more of many great images that I have missed.

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Juan, this is a beautiful shot, worthy of Photo of the Week, but more than just that, worthy of inspection and understanding. It is "classically beautiful", whatever that means, and it's a punch to the sternum capturing emotion, and pure love, and a memory of an animal you called a friend.

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This is the first unmanipulated honest photo until I visit photo.net for the first time three month ago. Is it necessary to search archives to find such picture? The hair of women is realy like the one produced using aquaforta method or a relief from Roman coin. Dog looking at the distant point is wise and anticipating as if it can say come what may.
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I have known Juan's work for a while, and have had more extensive commentaries on his images. Again, I do not find this image to be among his better work, so my commentary on this image does not reflect my view of his art or worldview. That said, I do agree with the previous commenter who suggested some more post-processing on the work to blend in the tones a bit more. Were this just some sterile image devoid of any depth, of course, I would quibble over that aesthetic consideration more.

But, as demonstrated by its deserved status as a POW, and the comments of others, this image has an emotional depth that commands the viewer's attention. It is that depth that give the picture its essence, and it is that same depth that bothers me. MODERATOR NOTE: Personal opinions on love for animals is not considered a critique and is potentially inflammatory and therefore has been deleted.

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I love this whole series. Many I find are 7's. Really enjoyed. Thanks.


Gar (Montreal, CANADA)

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I think it is an expressive and tender moment Juan caught here... Old age comes to all and dying is the inevitable payment for living in the world. But we don't go it alone.When we got our 9 y/o dog he was a puppy and now he and I are grayer, slower and both have our aches and pains. His end will be a peaceful slumber. if you have been involved in humane euthanasia, it is indeed " being put to sleep." These critters are our partners and if we didn't get attached to them like this subject we might never understand 'letting go.' The feeling of love comes across clearly but not maudlin and that is the only constant that surmounts the inevitable loss of our companions. There is both sadness,joy and tenderness in capturing images of our pets as they grow from puppy to mature and beyond and only we see into their hearts as they seem to sense ours. And I am so glad that some can cry in response. I wish I could more often, as it is the needed counterpoint to joy. I guess dogs have been with our species for 45,000 years...it shows!

A strong and worthy image for all who let a dog/cat steal our heart...

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Congratulations Juan and Eddy

Like a wonderful meal, when the chef knows his ingredients and has mastered his technical craft, the plate stands on its own. And first, we eat with our eyes, yes?

But how much better is the meal when we know the chef? When the chef comes to our table with a warm greeting to tell us about the ingredients and the inspiration behind the dish. Excellent food is even better when served with a memorable story as are so many of your eye-watering photographs.

If, by the way, everyone likes your food…you’re not feeding enough people.

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A wonderful photo! I had a black lab who was with me as I battled through two 48 week treatments to overcome a disease I was suffering. We spent so many late nights/early morns on the back door stoop - just her and I - where I'm certain we had the same mutual love, loyalty, and bond - and quite possibly the exact same embrace. So to say it brought back memories would be an understatement. My dog Sadie is now gone as well but not before I was forced from the home through a divorce when I never really recovered from the second treatment!


Dogs are family and to lose one is crushing. Sadie was the one and only dog that I actually saw cry as she had a tick in her ear that she would only let me work out - as she trusted me and only me. As she lied there for me a teardrop rolled down her cheek!


Sorry about the rambling - but thanks for the photo to take me back to a very difficult time in my life but with moments still dear in my heart.

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So glad your wonderful work is getting recognized, Juan. Animals become a part of our family and this one really portrays that connection many of us have with our canine & feline friends. Technically, this probably wouldn't be considered a perfect image, but emotionally it is a very perfect image. I can't look at this without getting drawn into it and feeling a profound sadness. You have a knack of drawing the viewer into experiencing pieces of your life.

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Darn fine shot. To lleh with the PSCS hooey hokum, slick tricks. This is pure, raw, natural photography that identifies, emphasizes and simplifies the subject. What a capture! What a shot! I am just a student, I have no agenda. This shot, like so many great shots, though not technically perfect, is so gut wrenchingly magnificent. Thank you, Juan for capturing and sharing the moment with me/us. You do a great justice to the art. Arthur Harold Cooper, NYIP Student

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Pretty much speechless..
It has been rewarding to read all the comments. Always glad to see my girls leaving them in thought.
This image is even more special to me now...
Michael's quote "Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened." - Anon.
This one says it best for me...The best thing about it is that humans are animals as well...Us animals stick together...
Sometimes I do blurt things out...ok a lot of times I blurt things out... but this title was not...it came out with more of a sigh of sadness.
As for 15 minutes of melodrama...I gave a print of this to our small town Vet clinic. Now people come up to Eddy in the grocery store and say hey your that lady in the picture...They don't care who made the image...they just wanted to talk about their best animal friends with Eddy...
I appreciate these forums...all opinions are respected here...thank you mucho for all the honest comments on this....

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Those valuable moments are captured so perfect. The tonality of lady and the dog is in harmony, which gives a great balance between emotional side and the technical one. Looking at her, I wonder what would be like to see a man instead of the dog, to see a couple in old days. That would be also dear and precious, exactly in that same manner.
As Art X said: "This image is like a moment in time, set in stone forever". Beautifuly said.

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When I saw the thumbnail, I presumed it be an image of a marble statue, sculpted by a Great Master, for its life-like quality. When I read the background of this image,I was touched . I wanted to share the love and grief of Juan. I am spellbound with the composition,exposure and tonal qualities of the image, except the white distractions pointed out by others. I feel it is the tone of the image, that accentuates the classical quality of this image. Had it been in colour, would it have the same impact? I doubt, very much. Juan, you are not alone. We all share your love and grief for a trusted companion.

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Such a strong and beautiful photo, it provokes really strong feelings in the gut of sadness, but then it reminds you of how lucky we are to be able to establish such beautiful relationships with creatures that live their whole lives for you. Wonderful job

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This is touching and moving and in my opinion that's what makes a great photo - one that can tell a story. A very successful photo IMHO.

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Strong feelings move me when i look this dramatic and lovely scene, it's like this one hugs my soul, my being. I don`t that light it's a problem, the light have done the sensation of two beautiful statues. Congratulations. Wonderful work!!!!!!

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Juan, your image is very expressive: it reminds to friendship and flowing of time. The B/W tones and the contrast are good but i don't like very much ligting. On the whole a beautiful B/W work. Best regards.

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More Thanks for more honesty...This was a candid shot made with window light...I pre focused on something else and turned and made this shot. Scaning the negative to post on P.nut...As much as I love B&W photography...I have yet to be even close to consistant with my chemicals... my printed version has more contrast than what appears on my monitor...makes me think that there are as many versions of this as there are monitors?
Emma...the vision of this image hugging your soul....is a hug to mine...Thank you for that...juan

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