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This is an interesting perspective, one we usually don't see with these lovely flowers. The important part of the flower, the lip or pouch in this case, is nice and sharp, although maybe too centered in the frame.


By the way (and please don't take this as an insult to your intelligence, it's not intended that way), this is not a pitcher plant or any other carnivorous plant. It's a terrestrial slipper orchid of the paphiopedilum (or maybe phragmipedium?) genus. There was a time in my life when I could tell you which specific one, but alas, that was long ago and my memory is terrible. Nice shooting! James

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James-- We'll that's what you get when you try and sound like you know what you're talking about. I'd better stick to anthropology, and leave the botanical identifications to people (like you) who actually know something. A child of the city, I have only recently learned the difference between a tree and a bush. Thanks for the correction and for the appreciation of the picture. On looking more closely at it, I think the focus could be just a hair better.
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