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Canon 300D with EF 24-70mm f2.8L at 64mm - Exposure 1/2 sec at f8

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If you hate sunrise photos all I can say is I am sorry but the devil

made me do it. In any event thanks for looking and comments are


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This one is lovely on a quieter level. The patterns and depth in those clouds is fascinating...our sunrises this winter have been either blocked by clouds, or boring. I'm glad you're not having the same problem. The color range here is wonderful!
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Thank you Kim. Its much more subdued but I personally like this one more than the other shot. Its hard to believe they were taken just about 2 minutes apart. But they were. Conditions were changing that rapidly.


We have had some nice color in the clouds before the sun rises of late, but thats about it. For the last week every morning there has been a bank of clouds piled up agains the eastern sky that blocks the sun for the first hour or two when it comes up. Makes for pretty poor early morning shooting conditions. But like the song says que sera sera. This too shall pass.

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I'm still waiting...it was snowing when the sun was supposed to be coming up this morning.
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Well, today I saw a little peek of the sunrise before it was covered in clouds again...gosh, do I whine too much, Larry? :~) I'm enjoying winter more this year, because I'm having more fun with the camera...
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I don't think you whine too much. You just don't like cold weather thats all. And right now I feel the same way. Its not really cold but my arthritic bones are complaining anyway.


I thought the forecast was for better weather out your way. Sounds like it was right.


This morning I thought your storm had come to pay us a visit. To the east the sky was blue sky with only a few clouds. To the west were dark ominous clouds that just screamed "snow." And smack dab in between the two was a rainbow. It was very unusual and very pretty light. Unfortunately it was also my first day back at work so I wasn't able to take advantage.

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Too bad! A rainbow this time of year is really weird! I just looked at the weather forcast for here, and it said snow tonight and tomorrow, then one day of sun, then only partly cloudy, so things are looking up. Thanks for being nice about my whining :) You sure make good use of the winter, with these stunning photos. I think the depth in this one is really amazing.
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