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Summer Storm

colin carron

Composite of two shots taken at the same time.

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This is a shot from the summer which I have just got round to

uploading. The weather was great for landscape photography that day

with rain showers between brilliant sunshine. The location is Robin

Hood's Bay in Yorkshire, UK. All comments welcome!

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I like your experimentation wit vignetting and selective lighting, it works particularly well in this one, would love to know what you did to achieve it.
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Colin, is it a stiching ? the sky looks like having 2 parts... In general again a very nice work,very good DOF, with the people on the road that are taking us in. The angle and the landscape in the fg, are adding to the beauty, Pnina
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Sunning lighting, perfect tonal range. I guess you stitched for better latitude, exposure bracketing with two shots and composite ? Thats great, you achieved an interesting atmosphere.


I wish you a Happy New Year !



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Thanks Walter and Denis!


Thanks Ben, in this case the lighting is mostly natural and down to the sunlight shining through gaps in the heavy clouds. I find the 10-22 does vignette a bit at full aperture so that may account for some of the darkness but most of it was much as you see. I lightened the colour of the path from asphalt grey to something lighter to help the eye ino the shot.


Pnina, thanks, the sky is all from one shot - the line you see is all natural. I wndered about the people but decided I would take the shot with them in it. Fortunatly the colours they are wearing are not too bright.


Carsten, thanks, as you probably guessed the sky was a lot brighter than the foreground which is a separate exposure. A Happy New Year to you too!


Paula, thanks, you are right about light and shadow. Later on there was lightning too so we decided decided we had seen enough!

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Hello Colin, this is a dramatic and very attractive shot. The lighting is superb, the patches of sunlight and the dark sky are wonderful.


Are the nearest group your family?


Best wishes.



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Thanks Pete. It was a 'dodging the showers' day which I really enjoy for photography. The nearest group are no connection but my wife and youngest son are to be found among the dots lower down the path. I find I tend to lose touch with them a bit when the camera comes out.
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Colin, this a very nice capture, full of life and with great atmosphere. And the almost square composition goes well with the shot, providing ample space for me to enjoy...



PS.: happy new year to you, Colin, full of joy and satisfying photographic moments...

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I love your landscapes because of the little touches you give them to tell the place. In this one there may be something technically or aesthetically wrong with the division of sky in two parts (as Pnina noticed) but, making abstraction of that, the light, the setting and the composition are wonderful. Warmest wishes for the new year.
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Jiri, thank you and my very best wishes for the New Year to you too!


Manolis, thanks, I wondered about making that line across the sky less obvious but.....didn't. I'm glad you like the shot anyway.

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Well done, love the stormy sky and the people. The sun shining on the distant coastline is lovely too. Can always count on you to come up with something unusual.
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Colin,I agree,always something new exciting,but definitely received from You. The summer rain atmosphere ,fabulous light and space. The people walking down,bring the feeling,being there, they transfer the satisfying mood. I like the civilization in the group of houses. A joy.


Happy New Year to You,and more pictures.

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Hello Colin, it's odd, I seem to lose track of my family in exactly the same way. I's nice to know it happens to others.



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Cherlyn, Sondra, thanks! it was the light that struck me at the time and the reason I took the shot.


Peter, you get that too? I find mobile phones are very useful when I am with the family and carrying the camera!

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Great shot! This is a magnificent moment you have captured here. The landscape is just nice and transfigured by the light. Nice to have the group of people here, watching the storm when arriving at home (as you can imagine).
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Colin the people here add strength to this landscape. This walk looks almost magical -- like you are stepping into another time and place. The atmosphere contributes to this tableau significantly.


Happy New Year, Colin.

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I came to see a winter scene ( I heard you have snow!! )and found this lively summer shot of your great countryside. Visiting you is always a lesson in photography. My question of the day, after reading your and Carsten's comments is: How do you decide on the settings when shooting like this?
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Beautiful scene, Colin, with more clouds in one shot than we get all summer long. Very nice work. Thanks for posting.
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