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dave paduch

This is from a Portfolio shoot for Rica.There are two softboxes one above (the key) and one below. The key light is probably no more than a foot away from her, the fill maybe 2 feet. Shot at f11 and 650th/sec. I think this was her first 'fashion' shoot, she seemed to be a little nervous at first. When I asked her to place her arm over her head like this she was worried about her hair. I just reminded her that the stylist was sitting 15 feet away and could fix anything I managed to mess up.I shot 4 people on the 15th and took something like 230 pictures. This is one of my favorites.

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Dave, You've captured a gorgeous image indeed. i was drawn to this picture by the beautiful face against a black blackground. Her sparkly eyes are so lively too. Nice job.
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This was taken for this young woman's first portfolio shoot.

Now, I like this picture, enough that this will probably go into my

portfolio as well, but what I want to know is, is it a 10 out of 10?

If not why?

Yup it's shot digital, but with no intention of enlarging over 11x14

I find that the image is sharp and clean in print.

I'm more interested in improvements in lighting, pose, makeup, etc.

What are the little things that could make this a better picture?

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Dave, another thumbs up for Rica's portrait. If I had to find a negative, I'd think that adding a seperation light to pop her black sweater and hair from the black background.


On the other hand, the low contrast of black on black is what makes this work overall anyway.

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Studio lighting for fashion portfolios is a hard task. The lighting here is soft (thats softboxes for you)and complimentary. There are no distracting shadows to speak of. This is one of the best photos of this type I have seen on photonet. I like everything about this photograph as it has all the right ingrediants-beautiful model, professional make up, great lighting, interesting pose. I love the low-key effect too! It certainly makes my studio shots look pale by comparison-which is worrying because I trained for a long time and spent lots of money on a photography qualification. This photo is extremely well done and I think you should be extremely pleased with it as I'm sure the model was. I look forward to seeing more of your work
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Thank you all.


While I haven't been in the fashion/commercial photography thing very long, I do have an extensive history in graphic arts. I never pursued it profesionally, but I've never been too far away from a paintbrush, airbrush, pencil, computer graphics package or, camera. I think that a lot of specialist artists, be it photographers, web designers, makeup artists, what have you, don't understand the value of just learning how to draw.

There are lots of photography courses out there, but few that take the time to teach new students the basics of composition. Something that's a must if you want to create good images. Now I'm no expert, and to be honest, it's not been until very recently that I've been confident enough about my work to display it, but the technical aspect of photography can be learned in a couple of days, it's the application of that knowledge to the technical aspects of basic composition that's the trick.


I'm more or less self taught, but I have taken a few courses with a couple of great teachers that helped put the bits and pieces I knew together.


Thanks again all for the great feedback.

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Heh, welcome to the wonderful world of fashion. Actually, if you check out current fashions in the larger centers, you'll see that, in the eyes especially, this makeup is fairly tame.

Remember, these photos are done for women trying to get work as models. Some of the makeup's are going to be light, others a lot more, uhm, vibrant.

It's all about fantasy, it's the nature of the business.

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The arms take the focus away from the face, not to mention that it looks a bit unnatural. Still, there is an interesting attractiveness about this shot.
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