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Autoportrait 1990


Pentax k1000, dev. and treatement by my self. One of my first photo 15 years ago. Was fun in those dark rooms...

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One of my first photo process from a to z except for the push of

the button, of course.

What do you think about the high exposure ? Grainy photo obtained by

a Scan of the original 8x10. The photo still is realy nice no acid


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I do find the high exposure maybe a little too high. I guess it would be nice if you were maybe facing the camera. Since we only see your back, the overexposure takes too much place.


On another note, it must be fun to go through all those older shots you made. Darkroom is really something I would like to learn one day. You must feel so much good when you are able to produce your shot yourself from A to Z.

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Merci encore de tes commentaires Stephane; ils sont justes et pertinents. Par consequent, ils m'aideront certainement.


L'exposition plus eleve aura au moins eu l'avantage de reveler certain details dans le linge foncee que je portais a ce moment (chandail noir et pantalon vert), en plus de mettre en evidence mes bas blancs lol, et oui "a bas" les prejuges (celui des bas blancs n'existait probablement pas en 1990, peut-etre Micheal Jackson a-t-il fait quelque chose depuis pour que ce prejuge apparaisse) Pour ce qui est du developpement de A a Z oui on est content (ou fier) parce que c'est d'autant plus stressant de savoir que tu peux gaffer a plusieures etapes.


Bon temps des fetes et continue de mettre du tiens ici (sur PN) en tout cas, moi j'apprecie.



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so if you're not looking for birds than you're interested in flying objects ? ;-), I like it for it's spontaneous appeal - a bit tilted, a bit overexposed, a bit blurred, but I would like to see your right hand though.
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Use to be a flying object my self. But mysteriously it's not so that aspect that fascinate me in Birds. Thanks for your comment I agree, I didnt take the photo, but it would look weird if i tilt the nose of the sk8 upwards by croping it straight in PS. ....
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