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© DI Mandl Alexander

Jack Wolfskin for the poor...

alexander mandl

Nikon D70. AFS 80-200


© DI Mandl Alexander

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the title should make you think. Think about you and your life - and

the life of other people...

Please if you do not like the image - give me some comments on what

you don't like... a bad raiting with a comment is a good rating for

me - comments are always welcome. Not only the good ones...

Rating bad without comments is worthless!

regards and thanks


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this is not impressive.PLZ PLZ PLZ show the beautifull world.dont show the painfull things I saw your portfolio.
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Hello Saleem,

I do not know in which kind of world you think you are living in. Not showing the relity doesn't make this things not to happen. I agree with you that this is not a "happy world image" but If you rate it with 1/1 - I have to say you are totaly wrong on this side. You do not understand the how to rate. If I do not like a motiv I normaly do not rate. This is in the case of your pictures sometimes the case. I do not like this over PHotoshoped stuff. But indeed: it is some kind of art you are doing and you are realy a pro in the use of PHotoshop - you could create worlds for some Holly- or Bollywood films ;-). So I agree with you - that this is not a "happy world shot" - but this was the photo of the naked Vietnames girl running away on the road in the Vietnam war too - and indeed it changed something. It was one of the small bricks needed to build a new foundation in peoples mind. Maybe a few Americans started thinking different about this war because of this photo? So it was a success... but as always - peoples taste is thank god subjective... otherwise maybe nobody would like Picasso or everyone would like his work. World would be far beyond interesting if it were so. Reagrds and Namaskar Alex

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The individuals who commented on showing the beautiful world strike me as people who would also ignore these kind of underprivileged persons even if they may be their very neighbours. Love this image; be moved by it or be angry about it; but you cannot ignore it. If one wants to ignore this scene in an image, it is most like that he or she ignores the real people that cross his/her path with similar needs. Photography is not just about the "beautiful" things. Sometimes we need to be yanked out of our comfort zones into the reality zone and I think this photo does this. It makes me think; it makes me sad; it makes me angry. The eyes of the subject and the stuff he has in hand along with the wolfskin on him tell a gripping story to all. Even to those who may want to ignore it.
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And as a song I know says..When we pass them on the street how do we know they weren't an angel that we were supposed to meet.

This is an imprssive photo because it captures this mans pain and also his will to survive. Two things that the ordinary person walking on the street might miss because they turn their head and walk away. Here we look and we realize that no matter how "Nice" we make our lives, others are working to just get through the day....A photo that makes me think and even more importantly makes me want to change things for the better IS an impressive photo!



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Very real. Very honest. Emotions are stirred. Eyes are open. Heart is bleeding.


Once, when I was in high school I wrote a poem that got me in 'trouble' because it was about the harsh sides of this world and the bad things people do to one another. Hogwash. What is 'wrong/troublesome' with being realistic? Why do we always try to hide the fact that bad things happen out there? Will photographing smiling fat children and puppy dogs make these problems go away?




All this world is there to photograph.... everything. Sometimes it is good to break your heart seeing how others must live, and to be able to look at our daily lives and realize how fortunate we are.


This world is real. Life is cruel. It's the human spirit that is captured here.

He strives onward, not afraid to ask for help from those around him, though his life has been more cruel than I hope any of us will ever have to experience.


He's not just some homeless guy that is unwilling to find the motivation within himself and would rather beg and steal than to get a job - no matter how insignificant. Life threw this at him and he's doing what he can. It's honorable.


It's awakening to those who are consumed with their daily lives to look around and actually see the world. Next time your boss is 'hard' on you, your children refuse to eat their veggies, your neighbors dog poops in your yard, your washer eats another sock, your car doesn't start, you trip and fall in front of others, when you can't make the rent, when a close companion passes away.... pause and remember that things could ALWAYS be worse at any moment.


Yes, there is beauty all around us everyday. Even in this - this man existed - he deserves to be recognized for his life - however hard it may be.


Besides- too many flowers, bunnies and rainbows just cause an illusion that everything in this world are running smooth. Quite the contrary.


Remind yourself that this could become or have been you.

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