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National Cathedral #2


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This looks like a double exposure -- intriguing.


I don't find it has the strength of graphical design that the first posted has, though, and the colours are little oversweet. I know that the reflections would be sacrificed, but the image feels too tall too, and I'd be tempted to crop under the left column.

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What attracted me to this shot was the ambiguity of where the reflections start and the columns stop, due to the highly reflective floor. I could see cropping a bit off the top, especially since the heavy vertical line might be a bit less of a distraction than it is now. The colors were bumped up a bit - maybe too much - but they're quite dramatic in person. . . . . unique in my experience.
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Looks good. The left crop emphasizes the right side dark verticals. I see what you mean about the midtone contrast, but it's kind of a double edge sword. Consider that sometimes these work well as high key shots, and I see a lot of photographers get waaay too dark and contrasty . . . . . but it does bring out some detail, doesn't it.
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Your picture stopped me in my tracks. Yes, the colors are a bit strong but the actual colors in the cathedral - though more muted - are striking nonetheless. A good composition. I want to go there again. A wonderful place to visit and for picture/image making.
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Carl, this is lovely, and not too saturated imo. I prefer your version to the other offerings. Cropping at the bottom I think would affect the balance, and the contrasty version takes away from the form and emphasizes the shapes, making it a little confusing.
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Very nicely done. I think allowing some room to crop for different print sizes was a wise choice. I guess if a person had never been to the cathedral they might assume that you had stuck a colored filter on the end of the lens. This building is where I first flirted with 35mm SLR photography using a borrowed camera. This series brings back memories of that time. Mostly I was taking stealthy photos of the construction work going on then with my little Minolta rangefinder camera.
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You're right about the cropping options, especially on verticals. I think a 12 X 16 looks a lot better in a 20 X 24 mat than 12 X 18.


Don't know what time of year you were working here, but December is ideal from a photography standpoint because of the low angle light coming through the windows.

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I love the strong verticals. I might have been tempted to crop too tight at the bottom, and am glad that you did not. The colors don't bother me at all ... I love them! Wonderful work at the National Cathedral!
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Go talk about rythm in images... that's one of your masterpieces.


Rytm in the columns and pillars, rythm in the marble pattern on the floor, rythm in the diagonal patches of colour, rythm in the purple->orange->blue hues...


...it's almost overwhelming, and my favourite in the National Cathedral series, by large and far.


The only item which puzzles me a bit is the black demarkation (actually two of them) between the contigous warm/cold colours. I like them, but I find the first slightly too central... is it intentional?

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YUM! as a non-technician, but life-time observer of stained glass colors on cathedral walls/floors/pillars, your version gets my vote. What a lovely shot. (I was grateful to learn from the discussion about mods, however).



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