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Grouper In Cayman Islands


This picture was taken approx 100 feet underwater using a Aqashot with strobe and suing a Kodak disposable camera.

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Who was it who said something like "if your pictures aren't good enough, you aren't getting close enough"? Never is that more true than underwater. The grouper is almost lost in the picture. Just the very front of it is in the effective strobe distance. I like the composition with the rocks framing the picture. If the fish kept coming closer to you maybe who could have waited a bit longer.


With your present gear, you can learn a lot about underwater photography. But I am afraid impressive and therefore motivating results will be few and far between until you can invest in more capable equipment.

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It looks like you added back too much red. There is an unnatural red tone to the surrounding coral formation. Straight on shots are a good alternative to typical fish portraiture, but you've got to be much closer. The subject, a grouper, is pretty large and should fill a significant portion of the frame.


Think 1) subject and its position in the frame including size and angle 2) negative space - what have I got in the frame other than the subject.


Keep plugging. That's the only way to get better.

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