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colin carron


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This shot was taken at the Natural History Museum. The exhibit was

the skulls of a Tyrannosaurus and a modern crocodile side by side as

a comparison. Here I have blacked out the background and the Croc

skull. All comments welcome!

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Very good, Colin! The black background gives an ominous feel to the dinosaur and really makes those teeth stand out! It appears to be popping right out of the darkness; the stuff nightmares are made of.
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AH! This is not a very christmas-y photo!


Wonder what a slightly lower angle would have looked like?


Time to turn the torch off while travelling during these dark, winter mornings, I'd rather not see what's about to eat me...

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Thanks Kim! Thanks Stephen! It was the scary aspect of the beast I was trying to get. Those teeth certainly are big! I couldn't get a lower angle because of reflections off the glass case but I did try...
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Agree on the non-Christmassy issue, but it is certainly my cup of tea, a nice diversion in this jingle bell hype everywhere :-) It was a great idea to black him out, together with the perspective a very successful shot





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Colin,I had to laugh at first,because of christmas,but children do like scary things, like pushing the witch in the oven.But I can see Your involvement in the museum,You sure got really into it and where succesful. Comming out of the dark,a scare I can take,because it can't get me.Dramatic picture.O.K. Be careful.Alix
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Thanks Carsten. I had a laugh thinking about Amar's and your comments. How could I make T-Rex into a Christmas card? All suggestions welcome!


Thanks Alix. You are right about children enjoying a good scare - think of all the fairy stories with wicked witches and monsters - and all the scary films. And you are right about me enjoying the museum too.

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Now this I like! I'd be tempted to crop it differently though. Great idea.
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Colin, this is scary stuff, you did a great job blacking out the skull. Looks like if you put your hand to close you may loose it.
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You definitely managed to highlight those very sharp teeth! I like the effect created by making the background black. Gives the idea the rest of the animal is somewhere out there and he is not as dead as he is thought to be...


As for the Christmas card, you could try ask the Elves (also being the helpers of Santa, no?) to help you decorate him and make him look less fearsome... ;)

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Ben, Sondra, David Ilse - thanks!


Ben, David, the background took a bit of work as was all bits of crocodile and museum lights which are designed to make it all look dramatic.


Sondra, yes indeed, I was scared doing it, I had to be very careful doing the PS work while he was under anaesthetic in case he bit me :-)


Ilse, his great grand children the crocodiles are still trying to take bites out of people in Africa etc - great idea on asking Santa's little helpers to decorate :-)

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Hello Colin, I had thought this was one of the heads on the elevated walkway and that you had managed some fabulous differential lighting.


Your PS work is excellent and you have achieved a superb image. One of your very best, without a doubt your most dramatic.


Regards. Peter

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Thanks Peter, this is an exhibit with a croc and T-Rex skull side by side to show the similarities and differences. The croc is about the same length but the teeth are shorter and the skull not so massive. I doubt it would signify if one were caught by either of them. Here is the original capture to show the work done.

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Thanks Cherlyn, I had a bit of fun blacking out the background as you can see from the original!


Jan Olof, thanks - I did not see T-Rex laughing until your comment but now I see.....:-)

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Fabulous, Colin! Especially how you have him coming out of the darkness....


Merry Christmas to you!

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