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© Marco Ruggiero all rights reserved.

Waiting for the bus!


Early on Saturday morning and the man was sitting in front of the store waiting for the bus to come.


© Marco Ruggiero all rights reserved.

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Marco, I really like this shot. You always seem to be able to put some 'surprise' factor in your photos and here the bus stop being camouflaged in the glass is a genial touch to understand the photo. Good job!
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You are percetive, and yet the surprise was a surprise for me as well. When I took the photo I liked the composition and the reflections. I had really not seen the bus stop reflected in the window. I saw it when I scanned the negative, and I liked the results as well.


Thank you.

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This man was waiting for the bus at 8:30 on Saturday morning. It just caught my



Critiques and comments always welcome.


Thank you!

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how do you do it Marco! everyone seems to love you; and you do make great photos; composition here I think is very predominant; the brightness on the guys jacket is a bit harsh. Do you work with masks in PS?

Strong compeling image non the less, as usual.

kindest regards.

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You are very kind and your comments are always so welcome since I really learn so much from them. You are right about the lighting on the jacket, I tried to correct it a little in PS but I haven't succeeded much. I use PS very little for my images since i am still a novice at it and I also prefer the images as they come out of the camera and I do very little correction.

Thanks as always.

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Voy a ser un poco criticona... no entiendo porque el primer comentario de dice eso de "sad image". Sinceramente, yo no veo el lado triste por ningun lado, tan solo una persona que se ha sentado en la calle a esperar el autobus (a mi no me parece ningun indigente). Te gusta jugar con los reflejos, no hay duda, pero en este caso creo que hay demasiados, usas filtro polarizador? se podrian haber eliminado los mas molestos y el reflejos de la parada del bus resaltaria mas.


Tambien te podia decir que un poquito mas cerca, o de frente... pero no voy a ser tan mala ; )

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Charo, the fact is that the person, for his attitude, seems a beggar, enhanced by his expression who is for sure not happy. I think it is a good document showing how appearence can deceives!
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Splendida immagine metropolitana...bello il punto di vista prospettico...ottimo B/N

Tanti auguri di buone feste anche a te e alla tua famiglia


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Estoy de acuerdo con Charo.....que no veo en esta foto ningun lado triste.... quizas si hubiera cortado por debajo del brazo del toldo....quitando toda la parte superior....me gusta la idea y que sea en blanco y negro...
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Spencer Cables!

Now there's a nifty name! Maybe I should change my clothes, and swagger just the same!


Now, there's a plan!

Said this stubby, little man,

who waited for the bus

and made no one a fuss.


Waiting for the bus, bemusement on his face

He sunk into a sidewalk, below a Christmas window case


(He couldn't sit upon a bench, for none was there for him

He wouldn't shop inside the store; his finances were slim ~)


Contented, though, to have a job;

for clothing that he didn't rob ~

satisfied to be just he ~

leave Cables to a mystery . . .

So, Spencer I may never be ~

But Spencer Cables pondered he ~



Spencer Cables?!

It's You I recognize!

Oh, My lovely Spencer, I can't believe my eyes!

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Well, the poem just came out! and the crop, too (though a touch more could come off the top perhaps) ~ I like it very much. Fantastico!! Ciao. Thank you. for this one and its companion, lady at the getty. Bellissima!
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Good observation! One tends to ignore this day to day street scene but you have caught it through your camera's eyes.
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Marco, appart from the beauty of the photo, I see it is too much in high key, with a lack of deep blacks which I think would make a great contribution to the photo final presentation. Just making deeper the dark greys by means of 'curves' in PS would be enough for me...
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Marco, your original image, as usual, has generated tremendous interest. The perspective, and composition are excellent and probably should be left alone. Anyone suggesting improvement is clearly brazen beyond description. However...on the other hand, your image has also inspired poetry. If your art is inspiring others to be creative, how can you take that as anything but a compliment?


With apologies, my compliments.

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No apologies are ver necessary, especially from you. With you there are always alternatives that are not only instructive but artistic. Most importantly they are offered with friendship and humor, and that my friend is the best gifts that anyone can receive.Also you know how some ladies can get poetic, and this one does a great job when she does.


Thank you as always and a great image and a great compliment.



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