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Canon 300D with EF 24-70mm f2.8L at 70mm - Exposure 30 seconds at f16

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You're doing some amazing work with your 300D, you have a wonderful eye for composition and the technical skills to make everything "picture perfect". Happy Holidays.
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Thank you Susan. I hope you have wonderful holiday season as well.


I appreciate your comments. I would love to get the latest camera body with all the bells and whistles. But the truth is the 300D is paid for and those aren't. And I am still trying to make sure I get my moneys worth out of it. :)


All kidding aside the 300D is really a very good camera. I firmly believe its not the equipment you have, its how you use it really counts. That sounds a bit like a platitude but its the truth.


I don't know if you are familiar with Ken Rockwell. He is a very controversial photographer with a fairly well known website that has some very good essays on it. He alienates many people because he is opinionated and very cocky. He is completely wrong on some things (like not shooting in RAW mode) but he is dead nuts on the money about a lot others. He takes the position that buying better, newer, and fancier equipment will not make you a better photographer. He has a very good essay about that and I agree with him 100%. That said I would be lying through my teeth if I didn't fess up to lusting after a Canon 5D and an EF 600mm f4L IS. :)

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One of the first things I noticed here on PN and have long suspicioned is that photographers are "gadget freaks". I spent months reading articles trying to decide what camera to buy, many moons ago I had Nikon equipment but was lured into buying the Canon 20D by all the good reviews, no regrets, the camera and two lenses took 3 months of my "cowgirl wages" to buy and will have to suffice for many years to come. And already the 20D is rapidly being replaced by bigger and better and I still haven't figured out all it's bells and whistles. Now if I can just unshackle myself from this computer and go out and shoot some more pictures I can get on with this journey. Except now I have two more sites to go snoop through.......
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Larry, that is very nicely composed .beautiful reflections.


I was very interested about the articls you mentioned of Ken Rockwell, I have tried to find them,bit did not, can you post please the link's to his articles? thanks Pnina

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I think you are right about photographers being gadget freaks. There are a number of regular posters to the written forums on photo.net that seem to be so wrapped up in discussing hardware, I don't think they could possibly have time to actually use any of it. To each their own I guess. Personally I would rather be up in the mountains taking photos instead of endlessly debating why this lens is better than that one.
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Thank you very much Pnina. I wanted to get the moon in this position before the sky was starting to get light. I also didn't want to have to get up at midnight to do it. The night before the full moon was just right. Its not the highest rated photo I've had but thats okay, I am pleased with the way it turned out.


The web site for Ken Rockwell is




The essay I referred to is titled "Why your camera does not matter" and is in the technique section. I agree with what he says in it.

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Larry, thanks, but looking for it in the Google, according to the address you wrote me didnot bring any results, can you sent the article it self to my email?




I will be grateful to you.


BTW, who cares about the rating, too complicated system and not an index imo for good or bad...


Have a nice day larry and thanks for your help. Pnina

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I just emailed the article to you. The links in it probably won't work but at least you can read it. And it is an interesting read.
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Beautiful! I like how the shape of the mountains and the clouds bracket the moon so perfectly, too.
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Thank you Kim. Shooting by light of the full moon is a challenge as well as a lot of fun. Not that I am a fanatic or anything but I have a list of all the full moon dates for the next several years. :)
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So does my husband, but it's so he can schedule his night hog hunts in Texas :) May you both have much success!
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No, the big feral hogs that weigh 100-400 lbs. Texas is overrun with them, and they taste just like pork from the grocery store.
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