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A symbol for peace, the olive tree


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Marco, nice support, thank you


Loft and Mario, good to share with you


Hiroya, you eat it every morning, do you know why is it a peace symbol?


Howard, yes, especially in war zones... with explanation... wishful thinking.


New year, new hopes. Pnina

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Peace, so precious yet can be so difficult to attain. Thank you for bring us this Olive Tree, symbol of peace to everyone & to the world. At the same time, season's greetings to all.
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The dove brought the olive branch back to the Ark about 5000 years before.


But dove and olive are said to be used as symbol of peace already in ancient Greece. And I don't know why.


To my eyes, this photo began to look as a flag. Of course not a national flag.

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My dear Pnina thank you for your kindness and generosity you share with so many of us here at PN. Your images so often convey a tranquility and peacefulness consistent with your gentle spirit. This one is no exception. I suppose you know how much I treasure our friendship.
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The olive tree has a very long history, its branches and oil was used for sacred purposes by the Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans and others. It has always symbolized peace, honor and victory.It has ordained kings, priest and bishops.It illuminated ceremonies in temples. and the well known bible story you have mentioned when the olive leaf was brought to Noah's ark after the flood...


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My dear David, it is so reciprocal, but thanks for telling me, and your warm comment !


David Hiroya Cherlyn, Shuki, Pawel and Johnny , glad to share with you hopes for the future. Pnina

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Thanks a lot, I now understand what you have reffered too.Worth knowing him, and his work. Thanks for letting me know. Pnina
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Tarshi li lo ledaber al he-mashmaut, meahar ve kol kah harbe anashim mehubadim hityahasu le ze. :)

Meod ahavti et ha-composiziya....et ha-raayon...

Ha-im hishtamasht be polarizer?

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Chipsy, you support me with other things as well...;-)), peace is importent, thanks!


Mark, lo mishtameshet im filterim, rak UV. toda raba, efshar lishloach lecha email beivrit?


Lanni, thanks enjoyed your using the word Shalom ,that has a lot of meaning for me.



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I agree Sam Abell and the quiet style...a lovely compliment Pnina to your beautiful image here. It is peaceful and the message is conveyed thoroughly. Happy Holidays to you and yours! :)))
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Merni, thanks, striving for Peace is such an issue in our life here.


Aml'ie ,Sam Abell is a nice compliment but by far too much.... Thanks ;-))


Thanks to both of you, Pnina

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Beautiful peaceful image. I love the softness in the colours of the olive tree combined with the liniar background of the wall. Peace to you. Thank you.
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Pnina, Someone has probably already gave this general comment but here is my thought....All these man made geometric shapes seem to compliment and accent the hand of the almighty in this lovely tree.....What a good eye you have.....Jim
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Yes, my Christmas prayer is to bring peace and kindness and grace to this divine earth we all live on, harmony for mankind, an olive branch extended to all nations and abundance from mother nature. Amen Pnina.
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