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Ice Skating at the Natural History Museum

colin carron

2nd version

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I have no idea which category to put this in so I am

choosing 'Landscape'. 'Cityscape' would be better. Anyway, this is a

shot of the skaters on the ice rink at the Natural History Museum in

London. All comments welcome!

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potentially nice scene. but:

1) The building is falling over (to the right)

2) the light is a flat. Would this have looked better later on in the evening, just before it got dark? maybe it would have added some atmosphere

3) The trees are still green, which is at odds with the winter scene.

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Hello Colin, I was skating there last tuesday!


I like the low angle, and the Natrul History museum provides a wonderful backdrop to this winter scene. My only regret for your pleasing image is that the chap with the red bag isn't placed in the "rule of thirds position".




Fond regards, Nick.


PS ...what does it look like if you "correct" the verticals?

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William, Nick - thanks! I have uploaded a new version with a little more 'keystone effect' left in to make the buildings look more upright. In fact the verticals were all vertical but it is all in the eye of the beholder.


Nick - so you were on the the ice yourself? I chickened out and stuck to taking photos!


William - the light is flat probably bacause the ice rink is in shadow - a lot of blue in the colour of the ice. I could remove the blue but I think it looks better with the natural colour.


The sun was pretty low anyway when I took this and an hour or so later when I left the light had gone and so had the skaters. Personally I quite like the winter light but it is a matter of taste.


The trees are indeed still green and while it is a winter scene the ice rink is artificial.



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...I like the new version, and I know what you mean about the verticals!


I was on the ice, and yes, I did fall over - several times, much to the amusement of my friends who seemed much more able to remain upright!



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I love it Colin.Deep as wide, generous picture.You give space and atmosphere.I feel the still winter joy,just anough color. I take it as a christmas gift
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Hello Colin, one of my very favourite places in London. It's a splendid shot and the illumination and detail of the museum are perfect.


I had to look at the shot in Elements with the grid on, the towers do appear to be vertical, but look splayed. Most odd.


Congratulations. Pete

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Colin, The one in the middle is Nick!! Am I wrong? no I'm sure....As I know him so well... lol


Well when I saw it the first time the construction was falling CW. after a short time I came again and a miracle !! it became vertical....


Take me there Colin, I love the scene!and the low angle and the atmospher that is not to find in my world....I will barter with you the sun! Pnina

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I like the low angle and light, Colin, And I have a regret: I'd like to be skating there. Love the background with the imposing Natural History museum.
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Alexandra, thank you so much. There was an atmosphere of people enjoying themselves on the ice - great fun!


Peter, thanks! It is a great place, isn't it? I wanted to say 'Hi!' again to my old friend the Diplodocus and take some pictures. I had forgotten the skating was there. Didn't it used to be in the courtyard of Somerset House?


Pnina, thank you! The verticals are giving me terrible trouble. They didn't look right the first time and they don't quite look right now! Are you a good skater? You must be better thean me - on the ice I am an embarrassment to my children. Are you better than Nick, maybe? Your sunshine would be nice to have....


Paula, thanks! I'm pleased you like the light as I thought it was beautiful.

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really lovely shot -- the perspective, with the buildings on a diagonal, the trees on the other side framing skaters flowing in the direction of the diagonal, the foreground figures and background tower, very nice piece of work that communicates a mood hard to find here in sunny northern california, though we did have to wear sweaters the other day . . .
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Colin, I don't know to skate at all....hahah and probabaly will break my legs... but I for sure would like to try it...well the sun refuses to travel to London so I have sent you an olive tree instead.... lol
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Being a 'northen monkey' my immediate thoughts about London bare no resemblance to this scene, it's nice to see something which I wouldn't normally experience.
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Colin, I think this is superb. Your talent for arcitecture and landscapes combined with people in action adds up to something even better. The angle of the shot, the exposure, tonality and colours are all very good. This should be used in a tourist guide book, or something similar. Apart from the strictly photographic qualities it also makes you really want to go there!
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Very appealing winter scene, Colin. I love the lighting in this composition and don't understand the comment that it is "flat".
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I like the lighting, too Colin. The slight haze adds dimension and drama, which is a contrast to the human (fun) elemsnt. Nice combination....
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I agree with Kim and Linda about the lighting. It gives the whole that wintery atmosphere. Although I like this composition, you could try cropping out part on the left, so you no longer see the rail behind which people are standing, which I think would somehow give the idea that the whole square in front had frozen and London is experiencing a truely cold winter ;)
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I wouldnt change anything with the lines, vertical or not. Kind of warped look, perfect for the scene. It makes me fee like being on the ice, just buckled the skaters, and trying to balance ;-) Great lighting, perfect exposure.





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Looks like I am late to the party again, and what a party it is. This composition looks just about right to my eyes, lovely balance and strong vanishing point add much here. Well done Colin...
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Thanks Ben, Sarah, Pnina, Ben, Camilla, Dusan, Kim, Linda, Ilse, Carsten, David and Henri!


Ben - just a sweater! you are making me envious...


Pnina - thanks for the olive tree.


Ben - this is a particularly nice bit of London!


Camilla - I hope the skating didn't bring back too many painful memories!


Dusan - VAX/VMS rules! (well it did in 1988)


Kin, Linda, Ilse - I glad you like the lighting. I think it looks very much as I remember it - rather a nice pale winter light. If we only took pictures under strong contrast lighting we would miss a lot! Ilse I like your crop idea.


Carsten - I like the idea of relating perspective to balance!


David, Henri - a lively party atmosphere - that is what it was!



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The details in the main building are spectacular! Very interesting street scene... suppose it could be called a street scene ;-)

Very nicely captured!

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