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your stats made me feel damn bad ! Next time, publish a first estimation early, and I'll cut the crap before it gets worse... :-)
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"Automotive placement"


"Robert Frank would have put the car in front."


"-- Albert Stiegman"


It's comments like this and the one Jo Voets posted that keep me reading these POW-threads. Sometimes it's a damn hard job after a week of holidays in the Swiss mountains. Thank you Albert and Jo for posting these comments. You made me laugh about this little war goin' on here.

Bye y'all and have a nice day. Rienk

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Nicos, others,


When I was on the over touristed island of Ko Phi Phi Don, Thialand doing the vanishing island culture story, I would sea kayak 5-20 miles a day sometimes going to Ko Phi Phi Lei. I would often snorkel and dive down to find garbage and untangle fishing line from the delicate coral. Hmmmm, what are you all doing to help?? Recycle? Not hit the gas as hard at a green light??


If you people want to continue for me to make you feel guilty, keep the comments coming.


Most of the people in Bangkok use public transporation or ride a high fuel efficiency 4 stroke scooter.....it is a ungodly polluted place though, like Mexico city. Cambodian folks will load an entire family of 6 people on one of those little scooters.

"Amerika" as you put it, is the most financially able country in the world. We should be setting the enviromental trend, sadly, we are not.

We make some of the most fuel unefficient cars in the world and the thing that pisses me off is that they are popular!!! It's all marketing making you "think" that you need these things. We have NEVER had a 10 cylinder Excursion before.....why in the HELL do we have one NOW of all times???


The amount of supportive emails, pulling people out aside, that I have gotten is AMAZING!!! By the way, when I said that "Pull People out" I really only prevented them from closing the door and made them listen, never got into a scuffle.


If you feel sorry for the homeless folks in the U.S. what about this kid in a VERY poor country who lost his parents and got his leg blown off by a landmine??? He could have a great education with all the extra money spent on the fuel for your "Selfishmobile" within a few years.





Wake up people, I know it sucks that I am your unrelenting alarm clock....should never have got me started.


P.S. This is an amazing site, kinda fun!!!

All in good fun Nicos and other viewpointers.

I used to work on jets, they are about the worst on fuel efficiency. I think about this whenever I fly too.






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"That's what democracy is all about, GDm'it, imposing your own personal views on everyone else while demanding complete respect for your own." -- Nicos Kostadis

Sorry Nicos but your analogy doesnt hold water. You are implying that driving a 5.4 Litre Smogger because you have the RIGHT to is NOT imposing your personal beliefs to fumigate the rest of us whether we like it or not. Try again buddy. The filter is always on the selfish side of the cigarette.

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Mr. Bayer, you continue this line of incessant

preaching. I neither want, nor need an errant,

misbehaved photo box whiz kid volunteering as my

personal alarm clock. Your artist/photographer

persona is getting a bit out of hand. Being

everyone's ethical time piece is not and extension

of, or an amendment to your artistic liscence.


Geez. And I was starting to soften up a bit.....too bad.




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Daniel - I am sure you are the ultimate eco-hero as well as a great photographer (I grudgingly admit).....but unless you got from Thailand to London on a bicylce and row boat (i.e. under your own power without contributing any pollution to our precious world) keep the self-righteous nonsense to yourself. Makes you seem just a tad hypocritical.
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Daniel. While you are at it, another thing that would go a long way towards giving your preaching a bit more credibility. The F5. Why such excess? You are obviously a talented photographer. Could you not make such moving images with a lesser camera? An old Minolta STR-201 maybe. You could probably pick one up on Ebay for $75. Then you could sell off all the high-end Nikon equipment and feed one of those Thai villages for the next year. Then, when you start another of your self-righteous monologues, it might carry a bit more weight. You having done your part to make the rest of us Nikon shooters feel guilty that we are still using such excessive machines.
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It looks like he's missing half his right leg, but when I look closely I could see the top of his right foot. That's a bit of phony pathos - the photo is dishonest that way and does not withstand close scrutiny. It lies.
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.....Jeeeeeez guys, Common, lemme have some fun, I have been sitting at this fudging computer scanning slides @50-60 MB a piece for days now (The chemicals used in film makes me REALLY hypocritical!)



When do you ever see me rant, let alone comment ?(busy shooting)


I use Nikon's bricks beacuse I can count on them, I have to make a living at this, I can't afford to hose it up. Did you know that when you shoot at really low speeds like 1/8th with say...a 35mm lens handheld the first frame will most likley be garbo because of the action of pressing the shutter? Do you know what the 2nd 3rd frames look like if you used an F-5 at 8 frames per sec? Tack sharp. I once hand held my 400 2.8 @ 1/30 this way. The shutter dampner in the F-5 and the F-100 are really good, not a novelty.


I have had my F-5 in the shop a few times....that's how much and how hard I use my gear. I once had to send it in for a lens mount replacement when I was covering World Cup skiing. The course is REALLY steep and icy as hell so I was wearing crampons. Anyway, I was in the finish area and had the camera mounted on a monopod w/ a 20mm for above the crowd stuff and tripped over a T.V. camera cable, went flyin!! Broke the lens mount. I had an F-4 for 13 years, the counter registered over 200,000 frames on the same shutter!


Sorry Mike, I am not preaching (trying not to), just having a bit of fun. I told everyone that I will keep it to photo stuff from now on, so there you have it.


Let it go and I promise I will.


Make pictures, not war.



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Chris, when was it decreed that a "twit" was someone conscious of ecological issues (the one's Dan speaks to were topical many many years ago, so it's not as if he's jumping on the latest bandwagon, either), when was it written that a "twit" was a workman who takes pride in the quality of tools he uses at his trade? Sure, Dan has gone a bit far with some of his declarations--threats are never welcome, usually foolish--but then again he presently walks on the sunny side of the slope. By the time he clears the crest of his life's hill it is likely the sharpest of those edges will have worn down some.

I will tell you this with confidence: if Dan is a "twit" he is nowhere near as large or as obnoxious a "twit" as others around here have shown themselves repeatedly to be, and on top of that he is very competent at the activity we all presumably come here to discuss.

I would also note that Dan doesn't go around addressing people out of name at the drop of a hat. He has shown a tendency to run with the crowd without any apparent deep thought on his part. Indeed, Dan took a couple of cheap shots at me not so long ago. Still, I can take it, no squabble here; more to the point, these foibles strike me more as a function of that immaturity of Dan's rather than an indicator of his true character, and to repeat, time generally takes care of that . . . if one lives right.

Yet Dan is still a "twit"? Well, maybe he is at that, but would you mind explaining to me exactly how you arrived at your conclusion? This I have to hear.

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It looks like he's missing half his right leg, but when I look closely I could see the top of his right foot. That's a bit of phony pathos - the photo is dishonest that way and does not withstand close scrutiny. It lies.

You're mistaken. This person's right foot is long gone. What you "see" is the underexposed top third of what remains of his right leg. Presented in this aspect it might appear to be tip of his foot, but I assure you it is no such thing.

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Mr. Schuler, I admire your willingness to stand

and defend a fellow colleague. However, Mr. Bayer

has willingly chosen the path of artist/

photographer, which means HE accepts the

responsibility for HIS craft, and what HE says. With all do respect, sir, I await HIS comment.


Since you brought up his possible lack of maturity, holding him accountable can only aid in his maturing sooner rather than later, in which case he would be less apt to be referred to as a 'twit', sir.

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The Toyota 4Runner is EPA rated at 16/19 miles per gallon highway/city, which is pretty typical for a "six-banger" midsize SUV. The Ford Expedition is rated at 15/20 with the 4.6L V8, or 13/18 with the 5.4L V8. The full-size Chevies are similar. I can't find official EPA figures on the worst offender, the V10 Excursion, but estimates are usually around 12 mpg. So in a world where some vehicles get well over 50 mpg, the threshold between "Don't sweat it" and criminal assault is what, somewhere between 16 and 12 mpg city?

Congratulations, by the way. Right-wingers like to caricature environmentalists as:

1) Self-righteous.

2) Acting on emotion rather than facts.

3) Nutty

4) Likely to engage in criminal activity.

I'd say you're batting 4 for 4 in this thread. I'm not sure you could have done more to discredit environmentalism if you were Rush Limbaugh posting incognito. A great job of environmental "education."

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In my first job, 7.30 a.m. to whenever, I work to find oil which can be refined into gasoline which fills all those tanks in SUVs and then pollutes the air and causes people to have asthma and sinusitis.


In my second job I take photographs. Unfortunately the first job pays for the fact that I don't make a lot of money at the second job.


Is there a moral to this tale? If you would all buy my photographs then I could stop finding oil and the SUVs would grind to a halt and everyone could breathe easier.


If only life was easy. . . . .




PS the photo is OK, but from my Ferrari the viewpoint would have been much better. No, I don't own a Ferrari, that part's untrue.

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Wow, what a strong photograph. This is an example of classic street photography. The only thing that bothers me is the row of cars at along the top edge of the photograph, however, it doesn't at all take away from the overall meaning or dominant focal point in the photograph. Very impressive!
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I felt the average ratings were a bit severe. Maybe it's because a category misses between aesthetics and originality to appreciate properly that photo : emotional power !

Straight, simple composition ; respect of the person preserved by the absence of the face. Simple but powerful !

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I like the photograph. Perhaps the composition is not perfect, but the questions created by it makes it a good picture. The way he is holding his head makes me wonder,Is he hiding his face? If so,why? From shame or embarassment? Is it fatigue? Is he disabled or is it a temporary condition? Is he truly homeless or is he faking it? Not seeing the face reinforces the fact that to most of us the homeless are mostly faceless, because many of us can not look them in the face.I looked at your folders before I came back to comment. I think your work is very good. I also looked at some of the work of the people who gave such negative feedback and was pleased to see that photo.net had kicked off a few for the abusive comments. Their word was less than adequate.
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