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© copyright2005 David Cochran

Agu, The People's Editor


From photo lab scan. Nothing else.


© copyright2005 David Cochran

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David, the more I look at this picture, the more I like it. The Holga (whatever the picture) seems to bring the subject back into the realm of the everyday, workaday world. So many pictures today are technically stunning but virtually soul-less. Perhaps it's just a yearning and nostalgia for bygone (and simpler) times. Regards, Jack
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Jack, thank you for your insight. This picture holds more than meets the eye. It was a moment of true friendship and happiness.

There is confidence from both, the subject and the photographer, we trust each other completely. Would it have been better on a Hasselblad, a Mamiya or Rollei...? no. It is better because it is a Holga...? no.

The moment was perfect and any camera could have recorded it in its full escence.

Thank you for visiting, I do appreciate your imput, your portfolio and your time.



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Again, this is one of those types of photographs that a lot of people try to emulate with Photoshop (I know because I've done it myself), but often fail. There's a certain look to Holga stuff. And the colors are so rich in this one, too.


Augustin looks as if he has just said something, and is smiling in anticipation of your reaction.

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Hi Jim. You are right, I have seem some attempts to immitate Holga, some succesfull other failing miserably. It is something I don't understand, for holgas are so cheap and easy to use that it is unecesary to try to do it digitaly.


Agustin, whenever a camera is pointed at him, he immediately gves you the Clark Gable Smile and poses for the camera. Notice his left brow, it is slightly higher than his right side one...yes, he also raises his brows for the camera.

For film I used Kodak Portra VC (vivid color).



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