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© 2005 Copyrighted, of course

...ducks in a row


Just a lucky shot, really. Not manipulated, its how it really happened.


© 2005 Copyrighted, of course

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I would like to hear what you think about this photograph. This shot just happened this way,

and was not manipulated digitally or during the shoot. I just got extremely lucky.

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I love the focus reversal and symmetry between man and nature this shot portrays.
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Excellent shot! I love it ? 7/7

According to your specs, you use Nikon lens ? I'm disappointed by out of focus highlights in upper right corner, they tend to create circles or bubbles. I had once tokina superzoom which was creating similar effects, so I get rid of it.

Keep on shooting!

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Great job. DOF works really well here. Composition is great. Nice "story" too.

Excellent photo. Congratulations.


BTW: what is a "reverse focus"?

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Looking at it more in detail, and just to be picky, I might crop the flowers on the left side, and maybe a tiny bit on the bottom. Always a 7/7 tough.


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This is a very special image. It has the ability to capture the mind and the eye. If displayed in a gallery I would enjoy watching people looking at it, to see if they are drawn into as I am.
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I'm speechless! Amazing piece of work! Taken excatly at the right moment.


One thing though, have u tried convert it to b/w?

Think that would be even better ;)

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Wonderful capture! Great timing...It made me smile. It appears as though the ducks are commenting on the young lovers! (ie- remember when we use to do that Honey?!)Cheers! Iren
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Great catch, what a moment. Might crop a little as well, but not the bottom. The pink sneaking in at the edges takes a bit away from the repeating pairs, so a little off the sides, and maybe the the top, could work.


And two lights on the post, as well. Lucky.

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Hi ~ Thanks for sharing this pic that you were sooo lucky to be there right at the moment to make it stand still in time! Thanks for the warm Smile it brought to my grey rainy day here. I can't help but Smile, this is sooo neat. Hmmm I wonder did the couple kissing ever take notice to the Ducks, and visa versa did the Ducks happen to notice the Kissing Couple! :) I just love when Simple Pleasure Magic is captured this way in pics! Nancy :)
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Now this is a picture worth a thousand words! Romance is in the air...where is this place? I might want to go there for inspiration!
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