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Jaseur Boreal / Bohemian Waxwing


Flash (sb-600) used w. - exposure. Very late in the day and snowing hard. Birds at less then 10 feets, eating. Less common then the Cedar Waxwing, this bird come in the winter time from northern region looking for small fruits. Only see them once or twice every winter, I was realy lucky to had this "photo-session".

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Flash used w. minus .07 exposure to avoid over-exposure on the white

area. Very late in the day and snowing hard. Birds at less then 10

feets, eating. Less common then the Cedar Waxwing, this bird come in

the winter time from northern region looking for small froot (that's

probably how it got it's name). Only see them once or twice every

winter, I was realy lucky to had this "photo-session".

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An interesting bird, nicely composed, and the snow gives movement to the whole. I think this photo works very well.
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MOn frere m'en parle tous le temps, la, je saurai de quoi il parle. C'est que mon frerot a chez lui un pomier d飯ratif qui donne des petites pommes rouges, a ce temps ci, les feuilles sont tomb鳠mais pas les fruits, qui sont semble t'il un r駡l pour ces oiseaux.Ces oiseaux viennent presque tout les jours se bourer la face et il sont parfois plusieurs dizaines. Mon frere a r鵳si a quelques occasions a s'assoir au pied de l'arbre avec ses jumelles pour les observer (moins de 8 pieds). Normalement ils prennent jusqu'a la fin janvier - mi f鶲ier pour tout nettoyer....


Belle prise.



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Thanks to all for taking the time to comment. To Pascal who was talking about the habit of this bird to feed it self from the fruits that are still in the trees. Just a note here, tell your brother to observe if some birds get "wabling". Some even fall from the tree. The reason is that, more the months goes by, more the fruits ferment. So some may get "drunk-a-like" from time to time. Interesting isnt it !!
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I always love the combination of birds, berries and snow, I don't know why? I especially like the rich colours in your shot. He looks great against the grey /blue background.
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