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© For use, please contact me at patrick@cyberventes.qc.ca


Used tripod with Shutter priority (exposure compensation 1 and 1/3, flash at -2), shutter speed of 2 seconds with F2.5, fluorescent lighting. Used photoshop to clear red eye. Picture taken at Fly One by IFly Productions


© For use, please contact me at patrick@cyberventes.qc.ca

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Performing Arts

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This is an amazing PJ style shot.This one picture seems to say everything about a rave. There is the girl in the foerground dancing, the red eye almost hints that she is posessed, the guy in the BG looks as if he is on some drug, the lighting seems gives the viewer the feeling that he/she is on acid... It's just perfect! Good job.


The rest of this folder is very good too, it's too bad you didn't use film because this could be a spread in any number of mags. If this was you're first rave then you could make a vey good living shooting them for promoters, magazines etc. I would make sure and show them to the people who did this rave.

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First off, your rave folder is Dy-No-Mite! I've been to many a rave and some of your shots captuer the action and energy quite well. I'm a big fan of this one and I was hoping you could explain "Shutter Priority"? Is that just a double exposure?


Anyhow, congrats on some great shots and for posting how you took them. Gives me a few ideas to go experimenting :)

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I really like the image of the girl-- she looks almost superimposed on the photo, like a double exposure. (I don't like the redeye, though-- I would have eliminated that later.)




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Noah: Wow! Thanks for that praise! Though I'm not ready to say you can't do publishing work with digital, you'r still right that I can't send this anywhere because I took a low resolution shot. What a waste! I really have to get a bigger media storage capability.

David: Shutter prioritty is a mode where the camera decides what's the best aperture while giving me control over shutter speed.

Dave: I did not even notice the red eye until you poited it out to me! Problem solved, I hope.

There's alot of talk about double exposure and that's not how I did it, the only photoshop involved here was the red eye correction. I used a very low powered flash in a delayed exposure and had to do a few retries before I got it right and had something nice to show at the same time. The result of this technique let's you freeze the subject in your picture all the while keeping "most" of the lighting mood, not have it destroyed by flash, and capture a deschent amount of movement. This being a rave I also mostly cpatured light trails which is what I intended. The downdside to this method is the ghost effect you get on what your flash captured, the end results looks like a double exposure indeed. Points go to Andy Morrison who gave great pointers about this method on capturing motion, you can read his text in this thread.

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Photocritique message

This picture was taken at my first rave (so to speak). You can check out the other pictures I took in my rave portfolio if you wish, any comments would be appreciated.

I'm asking for critiques on these shots right now since I'd like to put up a porfolio of rave pictures and start doing these types of events more often. Please point out the best ones so I know wich ones to pick out.

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Patrick, now this is damn cool. If I didn't go and get too old to go to these things. The entire rave folder is excellent. Keep it up. This is what small-sensor cameras are all about, large apetures and still getting a deep depth of field.


BTW, when I looked at this shot it had been viewed 666 times... what was that about Mulder?

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At risk of sounding repetative to the above, this is an excellent shot. The dazed look in her eye, the "ghosting" caused by use of slow-sync flash, the twirling lights, the figures in the background - it puts you there intstantly. Also an exceptionally good use of color. This is the sort of shot I'd expect to see in a Nat'l Geo article about raves.
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Very good image, and really dynamic ! Of course there's always a fair share of luck in such an image, they say ! Well, the art is to be ready to catch that luck !... Besides this, I would have a very very little comment: the front part of the ceiling - before the blue, at the top - disturbs me a little... Nothing major, but worth 10 minutes on Photoshop...
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Without coming off too negative, I feel the photo would be better if the red eye were removed, and the red splotches were not present in the middle of the photo. I'm also not a fan of the subject's expression, but that is not totally controllable and could only be remedied by taking several images in series.


I like action shots, but this one doesn't quite do it for me, sorry.

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