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Abbey Arches


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The beauty of the architecture in this abbey never ceases to impress

me. As it's not possible for me to make an all inclusive image of

the structure, I've chosen to select features that I find pleasing

for their symmetry, stone carving, decorative embellishment, light,

or purpose.

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Yes Hannah your lighting is superb! The main key light was just in the right spot and your bounce fill-lights are superbly placed! Just kidding, of course. This is well seen, composed and exposed perfectly considering the lighting which you had no control over! That is, unless your better connected than most of us!
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Next time I will be more specific and say good use of light or good light measurement. But I think the way one uses the available light, how and where we measure it, is in some ways, lighting a subject even if you dont use a flash. And I also think Hanna controled very well a "situation she had no control over"
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Thankyou to all of you for your comments. This is a place where light is a challenge. With most of the windows on the north and south, it is strong sun that comes through. But I'm afraid being there is the only satisfactory way to experience the light and space. It's fortunate that many British and European churches have their doors open to everyone. Our local churches are not so accessible.
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I've been watching your last few posts and this is the one I like the best so far. The changes in light throughout the building give it lots of depth.
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Thanks David. There are a few more to come. And then there are the slides. But I'm going to bore my photography club with those.
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Well done on the light, Hanna! The high contrast between outside sunshine and inside low light can be a problem. You avoided that in this one by not having too much window - ingenious! So - good detail and colour too.
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Eye-catching composition. I like how the single tall arch almost completely fills the frame. And yes, as others have commented, the natural lighting is very effective.
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